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Shivering King Banana

What is going on with Milenas cup? Not the mug but the short wide glass. It has like black ink on the bottom, is that just the design? It makes me internally yell don't drink that every time I see it.

David Salazar

Will the next episode really come out on Christmas?!


the hxh world doesn't deserve Knuckle and Shoot


Killua is literally fighting against his own body so that he's able to be with Gon and fight alongside him i canttt :(( best duo in history idccc

Shivering King Banana

"He's not only good, and kind, he is also very smart" Guess Knuckles took his shirt off for nothing.


I wonder how they'll react to gur arrqyr fprar. Fvapr vg xvaq bs erqhprq Xvyyhn cflpubybtvpny fgehttyr gb n cerggl fvzcyr culfvpny guvat.


Knuckle is so incredible at math, he could totally be an accountant if he wanted to be. Tho I think his strongest passion is for animals