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Black Sails 1x02 Reaction

________________________ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LMreactions twitter - https://twitter.com/LMreaction tv time - lola - skysstillblue, milena - oneofthe100



ok, i'm just now starting the video and i'm dying 'i don't know your gender, whatever your picture is, i'm like... that' hxhdjjs me watching this while eating https://youtu.be/OvOrbWggMTs?feature=shared


Goddamnit I still can't watch it but I will (and will join in on discussions) soon!!


Lola: "Your gender is whatever your picture is" Me: "Ah, lovely. How clear for her and everyone else reading my comments 🙂"


I must be neutral af then because I don’t currently have my discord pic as my patreon pic.


Just read through the whole thread, so interesting so far! I'm very pressed for time so I'm going to just paste in some points that I quickly got down the other night: - So right off the bat, I liked this episode a whole lot more. It had a slower pace compared to 1, which I liked. It's kinda rare to see a show have the 2nd episode slower than the pilot, but it worked here. The episode was far easier for me to follow than the first. - Wih the opening, they built up the relationship between El and Max so well in this scene and the previous episode that it led to a really satisfying pay-off in THAT scene later on. - The man that Max was **attending** to before John Silver bursts in the room was clearly an English actor doing an Irish accent. It's a big pet peeve of mine as English productions are notorious for doing it. We're not a million miles away, they can take a ferry just to get to us if they wanted 🙃🙃🙃😂 - Conversely, Anne Bonny is a very famous Irish pirate, but she spent many years in London, hence why *she* has an English accent. Props for accuracy! - The second watch of 1x01 drastically improved my perception of Eleanor and this one really sealed the deal. The 'break-up' scene between herself and Max was fantastic, the first great scene of the series so far for me 😁 - Johnny Boy keeping it the schedule all in his head is an interesting approach - HOW BIG WERE BILLY'S FUCKING ARMS?!?!?!?!?! - I love how Scott (El's retainer) has been introduced as a kind of 'voice of the audience type'. We got that a bit during Flint's scene detailing his plan - Flint is going to be a fantastic character, I fucking feel that shit - It does seem like Max will continue to get story, which is great She ain't down and out yet - I really liked this episode because it establishes that this is a series where actions have consequences. Case in point being Zack making it clear to Zane that Flint's actions were there to prevent a mutiny against him. - The staring down of Zane and Flint with El in the middle reminded me sooooo much of Lost (we have to go BACK!) Okay, that's it. Work starts in an hour and I haven't left the house yet. Looking forward to watching more!!!


I've really enjoyed reading all your thoughts about the show so far! Also lmao we've got Milena calling him Wayne and you calling him Zane...we just need one more name that rhymes with Vane and we have a boy band!


The analysis that Lola tried to make of Flint at the end is very very insightful, and closer than she realizes to the core of the character. And another thing, one of the main reasons that Flint was as brutal as he was in the fight with Singleton was that he had just heard from Billy that the crew thought of him as weak. So he probably had that in his mind to disprove to them.