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hh58 full

This is "hh58 full" by LM on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



That end scene with Phinks telling them about Paku always gets me. Love the boys and the Troupe so much


I'm worried all this hype around the CA arc will create unrealistic expectations and cause them to be disappointed. I mean I absolutely loved it but I went in blind with no expectations. Let's hope it won't affect them


Alright, guys. See you back in like half a year when they finally finish CA and I can just watch the highlights!

Dario Campos

If you think that'll affect their viewing experience then the arc is not a masterpiece


Pakunoda is my favorite Phantom Troupe member just because of her last scene. I can't help but shed tears every time I watch her shoot those bullets and say "Please, let me be the last".


I think Chrollo does all the things he does to have some kind of feeling of agency, him and the Spiders don’t exist if they aren’t acting out His mind and soul are like a blank canvas to a degree, his identity comes from him being part of The Troupe. Without the Troupe existing and doing what they do (even without him) he can’t exist anymore He says “I want to believe in an after life” and then the troupe have their eulogy for Uvo by killing all the mafia they can hoping Uvo can hear their destruction from beyond the grave. I think they would do a similar “eulogy” for any of the Troupe who died, they only caused destruction because that was what Uvo would have wanted for his “eulogy” (also to get revenge lol)

Max Carter

ok apologies but I guess I'm now one of those people in the comments asking about another show but where is The Wire? Seems this HxH show gets posted every second day lol. Ah well "Day at a time, I suppose"

David Salazar

They post HxH on Thursday and Sundays. Sometimes they are late on edited version so they post the following day. so sometimes they do post HxH 4 times a week but it should only be twice. As for the Wire, no clue


While we're waiting on The Wire, enjoy this 2 minute interview Method Man (Cheese) did with a kid who's just 12 years old and already killing it at talking to celebrities! https://youtu.be/voGPPzVJDbg


Здраво, ја сам са ТеаDrinker-oм срео сам га у реду за Swans. Радујемо се гледању реакције нa The Wire 👌


Met a Serbian gal in the queue and she wanted to write a comment when I told her about your channel 😂😂😂


@A she was very interested to find out if the girls curse in English or Serbian @medvezhonok They appear to be playing in a city called Sremska Mitrovica in November. Me and that girl had actually been talking about how often they traverse Europe.


Absolutely one of the best arcs in all of anime