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cyber 4

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Rebecca (crazy small girl) is one of my favorites too, it should have been a really sad moment her seeing her brother die but she made me laugh when she grabbed guns straight away😂


I get what you’re saying about character back stories, and I agree it makes the audience more attached to characters and makes the story as a whole deeper. Let’s see what happens👀😅

Jack SV

Damn this is making me to go back and install the game again.

food. just food

Be sure to watch the outro for episode 6. It's a short story about one of maine's old crewmates.

Shivering King Banana

I don't think anyone liked Pilar. His sister was upset that she didn't get to kill him herself, she shot what was left of his head off.


Think you misunderstood that part, she shot the cyber pyscho’s head and was giving out to Maine for killing him before she could, she wanted to avenge her brother


I'm surprised you girls don't know the theme song. This Fire by Franz Ferdinand. Quite the banger! Always weird to me that this is an anime. It feels very Western in the way it's produced. I like it.


What platform are u guys watching it on? You guys have the crunchyroll style subs


netrunners are hackers.