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what an episode… i didnt have time today to finish editing it so the edited is gonna be out tomorrow


the wire 210 full

This is "the wire 210 full" by LM on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Jay Craig


M Salam

Y'all being speechless during the Ziggy segment has me crying lmao.


i want moooore the wire T_T


Knowing what Ziggy does in this episode, I've been really impressed that the girls noticed the tragedy of his character from early in the season.


I appreciate the empathy you guys show for Ziggy. He's not an easy character to like, given how idiotic and self-destructive his behavior is over the course of the season, but I've always had more sympathy for him than most viewers seem to. It's not an easy thing to spend your whole life being ignored, laughed at or treated with contempt by everyone around you.


A popular line in Stephen King's Dark Tower series is "the world moves on..." That feels like The Wire often time. Ziggy shoots up the Greeks, D'Angelo meets his fate, something else huge makes it's impact, but The Wire just keeps moving! The world move on. Because, in the end, the story of the world is just so much bigger than any one thing (no matter how emotional) and this is one of the few shows that just keeps pressing forward no matter what. Doesn't matter how huge the impact is, society just keeping pressing forward for good or ill. It's the true nature of reality, which The Wire is actually able to capture. GoT once upon a time had that ability then lost it :/ You felt the show lose grip of this in the later seasons.


Phwah, this is a great bloody episode. I had forgotten how good it was prior to this watch-along. Season 2 ends really strong.

Mike Minerals

Ziggy changing the one word in his confession is some of my favorite writing ever. So simple, but tells you so much about his character as well.

Michael Kang-Beats

Yes. The FBI is interested in taking down the union. Police was invented to protect the rich from the working class.

Vivasvan Gautam

Inner peace. vinland season 2 original sound track has been released. Some of my favorites are the oath, rusty sword, farming, fire.


Too true! Honestly don’t know if there’s a line that sums up The Wire better!


omfg stfu you mongs. Stop listening to hasan piker, its rotting your brains.


Surely it's not the fact that unions have had ties to organised crime or anything like that. Or that they often fall under federal jurisdiction. Or the fact that the ports were potentially a massive security risk, especially post-9/11, nah nothing like that. No doubt that the FBI have historically gone after unions for a myriad reasons, including political ones, but that second sentence is straight-up nonsense. If you truly think that, do us all a favour and don't call 'em next time you're in the shit.


@Lil Don075 love the use of “mong”, classic ableism You must be an older man if you use that term casually. Would love to hear what you like about The Wire and why you pay to watch it alongside LM who don’t seem to agree with your politics


Can you answer me a question @Aj? Why do you think a lot of unions have had ties to organized crime? Second question Do you know why local police were established in the US?


The Wire is not about denigrating the police/law enforcement as a whole. You assume my political stance because I tell your dumb antifa ass to stfu.


I don’t think it’s necessarily about denigrating law enforcement as a whole but it’s incredibly critical of law enforcement and it’s limits in the ways in which it can operate to serve the community. Especially the culture of violence and fear and pointless arrests it perpetuates. The show is absolutely 100% about class (as any interview will tell you) and repeatedly shows that law enforcement is unequipped to support the communities it’s protecting. The law itself and the larger political structure of the US has and will continue to create large numbers of victims in large variety of ways and law enforcement plays a large role in that I also assume your politics because every comment I make talking about class, the horrors gun ownership brings, the ways in which minorities are oppressed societally, you pop in and reply and tell me politely that you disagree. I appreciate you assuming I’m antifascist, I’d hope every American is but I’m not that naïve


Modern US law enforcement traces its roots back to slave patrols, then in 1905 state police agencies began to be created, specifically in response to strikes happening at those times. The utmost reason for the busting and strikebreaking was to make sure the working class could have no power. That's not my opinion, that's an objective fact. Unions overall are incredibly weak now, but police unions are as strong as steel. Speaks volumes. The history of this stuff is exceptionally well-documented online for anyone to read. Go figure the 2 who disagree resort to insults, excuses, and nonsense.


Appreciate you @Delphi 🙏 Should have seen the fits people threw when comments about affirmative action were made a week or so back. One dude really tried comparing it to putting all white players on a basketball team smfh


Just don't call them next time you're in trouble. Do us all a favour. It's that simple.


im confused is there something wrong with being anti fascist? are you a fascist?


@ruoF owT here in the US the ANTIFA (antifascist) movement has been a huge thing across the country. Not lead by any one particular person and not organized there’s been all kinds of protests against fascist behavior, you’ll see in states like Texas and especially Florida lots of incredibly disconcerting behavior. Book burnings and bannings of books written by queer people and minorities, editing public school textbooks that are deemed “critical of slavery”, making it legal for public schools to no longer teach about women’s suffrage or the civil rights movement, even a bill that might be passed soon in Florida that will PREVENT students in public schools FROM TALKING ABOUT MENSTRUATION This is only the tip of the iceberg, there’s been a lot of fascistic behavior within local governments in these states as well as within the Trump administration. All kinds of political maneuvering to excuse these leaders from any kind of challenge to their authority. Fox News started referring to these protesters as “Antifa terrorists who are threatening our good country” and it’s become the right’s favorite buzz word to use to label someone as a villain or as against right wing values. Just calling them antifa I don’t know how many of these people genuinely support a fascist state but seeing a number of comments from right wing politicians and the people who have been voted in in the last decade it really does seem like that’s what a lot of them want. To abolish democracy and allow for fascist rule. Keep an eye on Texas, Alabama and Florida, they’ve been enacting a number of laws to attack women, minorities, queer people, low income workers and trying to give as much power as possible to Florida governor Ron Desantis. They’ve even brought in dozens and dozens of cops with violent records, Desantis has been open about wanting his own private army who he can excuse from crime https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/22/ron-desantis-police-relocation-violent-records Also trump wants further control if he wins again https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/17/us/politics/trump-plans-2025.html


"anti fascists" are just as authoritarian as fascists. both are morally inept idealogues. You're naïve enough to think theyre the good guys because they call themselves that. Like blm or communists.


I know for damn sure you're not the type of person to defend yourself from anything. When a dangerous criminal sociopath or psychopath sets you in their sights, like aj said, you better stick to your principles and dont call police for help. You roach.


And yeah, antifa are terrorists. They loot and destroy businesses. They physically attack anybody who doesn't agree with them. Shit, a whole group of them just got arrested for a string of murders in Portland. They're terrorists just like the violent white supremacists.


@Lil Don075 Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are decentralized protest movements with no organized hierarchy or leaders Anyone can claim themselves as pro Antifascist or pro Black Lives Matter Would love for you to share any articles about antifa terrorism or killings, same for Black Lives Matter! Please share? 🥹 Would also love if you told me what you like about The Wire thx 🙏 Have only been victim to crime from impoverished people abusing drugs… been waiting for a violent sociopath or psychopath to attack me in my years working with mentally ill teens and adults and living in violent neighborhoods… still nothing… crossing my fingers 🤞 Haven’t been called a “roach” before, appreciate your creativity


stfu and stay away from children and mentally ill adults. Dont spread your nonsense to them. Dumbfuck. ACAB cockroach who probably called the police dozens of times for help.


No idea why you're subscribed to LM patreon when they regularly express progressive leftist / anticapitalist political views in their reactions. Insulting people in the patron comments of a reaction channel is loser behavior for real lol For anyone actually interested in learning more about the long history of US law enforcement opposing union action this is a long and fully sourced article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_union_busting_in_the_United_States


Appreciate you @Crab Loving your insight with your comments on The Bear posts


@Lil Don075 They like to equivocate on the whole ''antifa'' thing. Everyone sane is an antifascist. If they're not, they're likely a fascist. But actual organizations like Antifa, specifically the folks that wear all that weird clothing and go around setting things on fire and destroying property, are largely just young thugs with ressentiment looking to cause as much trouble as possible under the guise of fighting for some noble cause. Or straight-up commie clowns. They make the insane right-wing nutjobs they clash with look reasonable at times. They deserve each other.


Absolutely. The far right and left are the same. Both have terrible ideals and morals. Both have contributed to millions of deaths. The only difference is that the far right openly espouse their vision of the world. The far left speak of equality and fairness as a cover. Far right = Wolves. Far left = Wolves in sheep's clothing.


This clown thinks The Wire is an anti law enforcement show. Never mind showing the leaders and adults in these neighborhoods who prey on the weak for their gain. No. Its the cops fault. Its white peoples fault. Its rich peoples fault. End of. Abolish the police. Abolish incarceration. Let violent predators roam. "Space1999" GFY. You and everyone like you. Idealogues and Absolutists.


Wow AJ and Lil Don really just out here being ignorant assholes. Nice to see y’all keeping up the tradition of not backing up any of your claims with facts! Or refuting any of the facts that the others have backed up. Good to know you’ll just resort to insults when presented with researched facts. :)


Exactly what we're talking about. I'm denigrating white supremacists and you mongs call me a white supremacist. THATS THE CRUX RIGHT THERE LMAO. You're naïve moronic children.


@cosmotron What facts are these pray tell? Also, remind me where I insulted anyone, would you? You can bite me. Prick.

Charlotte Drolet

Lil Don075 you are a missed abortion opportunity. I feel sorry your mother missed her chance.


Its a miracle you know how to use a computer at all, considering the fact your parents are related.