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i’m editing the episode right now, it will be up tomorrow


wire 2x08 full

This is "wire 2x08 full" by lm react on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Had a peek at the first couple of minutes as I'm about to sleep. Yeah, Mc Nulty was falling hard off the wagon at the beginning of this one, if one could even say he was on it to begin with. Amidst all the usual drunken tropes that him and Bunk share, I think the drunk driving (and in particular *this* episode's drunk driving) really illustrates the almost death-wish mentality that Jimmy has. I wouldn't go as far as to call it s****dal tendencies or anything that severe, but it isn't far off either. And to me, that's some very heavy characterisation.


Love the contrast between Frank as a father to Ziggy and Louis as a father to Nick Louis reminds me a lot of Kettil's father from Vinland saga, insisting that his son (or in this case his brother Frank) could be happier if he lived a modest life without trying to grind away in hopes of obtaining "MORE" regardless of how his unethical behavior negatively impacts others. Obviously Frank has more noble intentions Also worth noting the similarities between Frank and Kettil's sons, Ziggy and Olmar. Two kids of fathers who are ruled by fear and neglect their sons, both Ziggy and Olmar are lost kids who feel deeply unfulfilled and want to be manly and tough. Both Ziggy and Olmar are also constantly swinging their giant ego around. Could maybe throw in some comparisons between other fictional father son duos (Roman and Logan from Succession come to mind in some very specific ways) Ziggy makes me so fucking sad. So willing to make a fool of himself to make others happy (as we see in this episode with the blind man and duck routine and trying to fight) but when he feels like he’s being made a fool of (Nicky telling him to pick up the money) he can’t take it and lashes out. The duck with clipped wings as a metaphor is too perfect.


Can’t agree more… hurts to watch, beyond self-destructive. If this man doesn’t have connections or meaning in his life through work he collapses sooooo hard and gives into his nihilism Love how the scene before we see Jimmy stalking the truck load we see Bodie talking to Poot about how Poot makes his obsession “his everything” Cut to Jimmy who’s made his job “his everything” and has spent HOURS of unpaid time stalking the Greek’s crew Good on him at least realizing he shouldn’t degrade Beadie and her children’s lives with his shitty behavior

Orr Malus

Making a fool of yourself to make others laugh but feeling gravely offended when others laugh when you've unintentionally made a fool of yourself is a sign of a low IQ narcissist. It's a coping mechanism, they can't stand being made a fool of so they have to create this whole world in their heads that they're being an imbecile on purpose. I don't recall any indication that Olmar was a narcissist. Everything wrong he did was because he was pulled in different directions by everyone around him. He just didn't have the spine to make his own decisions.


I think saying it’s a sign of a low iq narcissist would be fair if Ziggy was having incredibly negative reactions to very very minor things but considering the legitimate abuse he’s put up with I don’t think his behavior is disproportionate. We also see how casually his father hits him and there’s a lot left out on the table for the audience to play with about his and his Frank’s relationship. Frank only interacting with him at all to yell at him or scold him outside of their walk last episode where he admitted he failed him as a father. I think Ziggy is a victim of neglect and abuse, he’s a little dog (or duck with clipped wings) just barking at everyone while also trying to get any affection it can without knowing how It’s not the perfect 1:1 analogue but I do think that at the beginning of the story till around halfway through the arc, Olmar was constantly pulling his sword out and proclaiming how angry at everyone and the world he was. How the farm was gonna be his, yelling at slaves. He had a very fragile ego like Ziggy and both were influenced by tougher and older men around them who negged them on to do bad things to others. Pulled in every which way just trying to find an identity they were proud of. I think the difference with Olmar is he stopped short and was so enraptured by fear and shame (when he couldn’t cut the pig in front of the King and when he couldn’t attack Thorfinn) that he collapsed in on himself (especially after killing the soldier) Agree strongly that Olmar is super different, like you say definitely not as clueless as Ziggy

Orr Malus

I always saw Olmar as a push-over. His girlfriend made him think of himself as a man's man, his brother made him protect his pride, the retainers made him abuse the slaves, and his father put him down while also making him the heir to the farm. He finally becomes his own person after getting backing from Gramps and Snake. Ziggy was probably a victim of something but he's still a narcissist. He wants to be the one in charge, the center of attention, even if it's not in his best interest.


I hear that for sure, like he has some weird histrionic attention seeking impulse control stuff going on I do think there is some fun overlap between The Wire and Vinland Saga in their focus on fathers and sons but i guess it’s an archetype in fiction


I really love your long reviews at the end of each episode. Way more in-depth and personal than other reactions. Don't sweat making it into a structure, I think going off of each other's opinions and direction is far more interesting and revealing of the plot and characters of the show. The conversation should go in the direction of your interests and let that be your guide. Also! The comments here seem really hardcore too. Never had time to read through them but now I think I'll slow down and look into them too. You have good fans! Excellent channel. Thank you!


Yo Space, I checked out the first episode of Semblance Of Sanity reaction to Bojack. Excellent stuff, I really enjoy how insightful they are. They picked up on loads with the first episode alone, I think it'll be a good reaction series. Also they upload so frequently?!

M Salam

You guys are the only ones I've ever seen feel sorry for Ziggy lol


Lola, your dismay when the credit music begins to play at the end is just fantastic.


I'm late to the party, but how do you sync up the reaction to the show? The reaction speed seems to a bit faster than the show.


Posted this today on S1E1 but I'll put it there too. I had the same problem: For anyone else starting this reaction channel, I had problems syncing. Some people, like Dante here, were very helpful in later posts that will clear this up: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_44vuSXGi4&ab_channel=MathEasySolutions This video has a tutorial of my comment on the first episode. 11:43-14:44 is the part that shows it. The speed I use is 1.0428. Hopefully with this vid and my comment on episode 1 you can get it to work for you! Someone left a comment above mine on episode 1 explaining how to download it to VLC and change the speed that way as well. Good luck!" The way I did it was a bit different, and it might save future viewers a headache. Instead of SPEEDING UP The Wire, I SLOWED DOWN the viemo reactions posts from LM Reactions. Speeding up The Wire was a bit weird and noticeable, I don't notice the difference so much when I slow down LM Reactions. So for the speed I use to slow them down is: document.querySelector('video').playbackRate = 0.959285 It's almost perfect (ALMOST: I need to change the speed some more, this will take multiple viewings) at this point. Good luck and enjoy the show!!!!


Thank you so much! You saved me a headache trying to figure out what was up, worked perfectly!


Oh glad to hear! Excited for you! I don't know if many creatrors reach the level of empathy to characters/real world topics that LM have but I think you'll find that SOS and their community are still considerate to the characters/topics and they continue to grasp almost everything Bojack shares with the audience. I know you described your passion for writing, their community is super great for discussions around writing and storytelling


The speed I use is 0.9591. That never gets out of sync for me.