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86 reaction!? ;)

Luis Rodriguez

You guys are in for a real treat these next few episodes


I love the line of thinking towards the end. Assuming the Phantom Troupe members are comparable to Hisoka, and our boys were very outmatched against him, then what can we expect from the Phantom Troupe?


still really want to tell the about the manga


If you call some of the Troupe Levi, Annie, and Armin, you also have to start calling Nobunaga "Askeladd" and Uvogin "Thorkell" or "Dimple"


The girl with the glasses from the troupe arm wrestling Gon with her bad hand was a really good way to show the power of everyone in their group Looking forward to yous seeing how each of them use Nen in their own unique ways, there’s some really interesting powers in the phantom troupe

Orr Malus

There's a Hunter x Hunter movie (Phantom Rouge) which gives a backstory on the Kurta clan massacre. Best viewed after this arc I would say, though it is not entirely canon.


Honestly don’t bother with the phantom rouge movie it isn’t very good, and it skips almost everything from the manga chapters. For the backstory… does anybody else think we should just link the one shot? Even if they read it now it should be fine tbh. Edit: If not now when do you guys think it would be good? At the end of the arc?


Please don’t watch the movies lol they’re so bad

Jack SV

What happened to Milena’s voice? D;

Payam Sharifi

Yeah I agree, it's really short and really good and definitely doesn't spoil anything


The Kurta backstory chapters were released separate from the main manga and should definitely be read any time during this arc. They were not included in the anime because I dont think they were written yet and I think were released right at the end of this arc. Part 1: https://imgur.com/a/LA14z or https://mangatoto.com/chapter/1998751 Part 2: https://imgur.com/a/9pbUj or https://mangatoto.com/chapter/1998752 (Read Right to Left! I haven't read a manga in so long I forgot when I was looking for this.)


I would consider this spoilers. Probably shouldn't be read until after the arc. There shouldn't be context for the Kurta clan, yet. Hell, these chapters weren't even released until 2013.


At the EARLIEST it should be before Greed Island. Otherwise, after the anime where the chapters released.


Extremely. This community openly talks about way too much.


When the series is over. Like most of us since it didn't exist till 2011 was about done or completely finished.


You're not even supposed to know the leaders name at episode 42. People on here need to chill.


The anime does allude to these chapters though—and the context they provide amplifies the power of everything that happens in this arc. Reading the one-shot as you’re watching Yorknew bolsters both. Don’t think it’ll be as effective if read later.


Why shouldn’t there be context for the Kurta clan yet? Genuinely curious. Please reply with a spoiler warning if necessary.


I was thinking that but the commenters already mentioned it above and the story itself doesn't spoil anything in the anime at all. spoilers below ///// It feels like a waste to wait until after this arc is over because it concerns Kurapika, the Kurta, and the Phantom troupe; three very important subjects of this particular arc.. (I'm trying to say something without typing it bc I really dont want to have a chance of LM reading, if you know the full HxH story you know what I'm saying.) It adds alot to the character stories emotional suspense that is built throughout the arc and reading it before everything happens just makes more sense to me.

Vivasvan Gautam

This episode had such a great discussion. Especially the part the girls talking about backstories for character and getting to know them more.


If you are gonna link it I wouldn’t even bother with that imgur one it’s super blurry and they may not realise there are two links.


Also I would remove the Part 2 mangatoto link, there’s an advertisement for an HxH volume at the top of the page with major spoilers for a future arc.


I’d rather save it for later but if you link do this one, the imgur is way too blurry: https://coloredmanga.com/mangas/kurapikas-memories/volume-00/chapter-001/


Cannot wait for the next episode. Its a banger. The next several episodes (with one weak ep imo) are filled with bangers, really.


@Antonio, doesn't it directly spoil if Kurapika was present for the massacre? Doesn't in give cultural background on the Kurta's, so LM would lean one way or another on if the Kurta's had ever crossed the Troupe? Doesn't it highlight specifically how the murders were carried out which could sour them on the Troupe? Lola & Milena have both floated their interpretations and guesses already as to the possibilities of what has happened. It's on the table for their discussion. It's also far out of Togashi's release order


First two points are plot points that are never answered in the anime and knowing them doesn't affect story predictions. Second point is a potential theory that is still unanswered and still open ended and can be seen in several discussions especially after chapter 395 & 396 released. Third point is kinda the point of the arc is it not, knowing this before we learn more about the PT emotionally intensifies the whole character storyline we see unfold. I get not wanting to shoot down potential discussions of things that aren't known but these chapters exists as a prequel to Hunter Hunter and is listed as Volume 0, this feels the same as getting angry about watching ep 1 1999 before ep 75 2011. Date of release doesn't mean anything in how the story should be consumed, Togashi simply didn't create this until he started writing the big arc that comes after the anime and what characters that arc is about I'd hate for LM to even know because then you'd really be spoiling something about the anime. Lastly I really hate patreon comment thread structure, we should make a discord.


Just so no one jumps the gun, do we all agree that the one shot should be recommended towards the end of Yorknew?


We’ll hold off until at least after episode 47 or so. I realise now that not knowing kinda ups the mystery.


Eh, nah


The boss is not scared of Hisoka. Feitan (Levi) specifically asked Nobunaga: Are you saying the boss is scared of Hisoka? And he replied, "No I'm not saying that."

Shivering King Banana

That doesn't mean the boss isn't scared. It just means Nobunaga doesn't think he is. Or that Nobunaga is scared of Feitan and doesn't want to upset him. I agree with your analysis but that convo doesn't prove anything.

Shivering King Banana

Great show but I think there's a reason you don't see reactions to it. Even people who start don't finish it. Too much copyright heat I think. And also Bebop should be watched before Champloo imo.


Eh, nah

Shivering King Banana

I'm replying twice so people have to to load more comments to see the spoiler. Spoiler for the anime and manga I'd say there is a chance he is scared of Hisoka, at least in the sense the he knows he could be killed by him. That's why he only fought Hisoka when he was fully prepared in Heavens Arena. And I think Hisoka was pretty ok with that. He wanted to see if he could beat Chrollo at his best. But now he's taking guerilla warfare tactics and removing Chrollo's strength before the next battle. I'd say the whole of the Troupe is actually scared of Hisoka. If not scared for their own lives, because they are all prepared to die, then they're scared for the other members. Now that I'm typing this up I'm thinking of how the troupe split up to search for Hisoka on the boat. Everyone buddied up except Franklin. My first thought is that Franklin isn't scared at all but I'm starting to think he's the most scared. They understand Hisoka's new MO is picking the members of the troupe off so by staying alone Franklin makes himself the prime target. He wants Hisoka to attack him first so he can kill Hisoka before he has a chance to kill any other troupe members. I think that shows a certain level of fear of Hisoka even if they're not scared for the own lives.


I've got more to say on the subject, but I think we generally get each other's points and Patreon's comment section UI blows. I've thought about a Discord, but I fear it would get wild when the Schedule Goblins get hungry :)

Payam Sharifi

I realize it hadn't come out at this point in the anime, but unless I'm forgetting something I don't think reading it now would ruin anything


for the kurapika one shot, I think you should wait till the end of the York New arc before reading it. The movie adapted the one shot, but they did it poorly in my opinion. If you feel adverse to reading manga then I would say watch the part of the movie that retells the one shot (not the whole movie though, it's bad), but if reading manga is okay for you I would recommend the one shot (maybe reading it with us, or since it's in two part, give a review for each part ?)


I would recommend you read "Kurapika's Memories" It's 2 chapters about his past which is not in the show. You can read it either now or after Yorknew, doesn't really matter when since there are no spoilers for the show in it.


I would actually hold off on it until after the next few episodes at least, on second thought.


Just take away two zeroes when converting from Japanese Yen to USD (and apparently Jenny is just Yen in the HxH universe). But when converting from Japanese Yen to Serbian Dinar, it's basically 1 to 1 (very rough rounding)....so don't even need to convert for that. 15 billion Jenny could be considered 15 billion Serbian Dinar.


I see some people already linking the backstory chapters which I’m not entirely sure should be read yet, but if it is going to be shared I would hope it’s a clear version at least. You can save it for later if you want but this website is much clearer. Btw it’s read right to left. Part 1: https://coloredmanga.com/mangas/kurapikas-memories/volume-00/chapter-001/ Part 2: https://coloredmanga.com/mangas/kurapikas-memories/volume-00/chapter-002/


This link is way better if you are going to share it. The imgur one is headache inducing blurry and cluttered. Part 1: https://coloredmanga.com/mangas/kurapikas-memories/volume-00/chapter-001/ Part 2: https://coloredmanga.com/mangas/kurapikas-memories/volume-00/chapter-002/

Nyeisha Melvina Clark


Ben G

At the end of last year Togashi published a few chapters of backstory before the troupe came to be. It starts in chapter 395 for anyone that's finished the yorknew arc