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there will never be enough words to explain what this season meant to us


vinland 224

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Vinland Saga = Aoty


So excited to watch this! What an amazing journey. I'm so glad to have lived this with you both!


This episode was too good. Hopefully it doesn't take too long for next season...


the author yukimura included a nice old norse poem at the end of this arc in the manga, the anime didnt include it so i figured id share it https://imgur.com/a/3I6eb1N anyways im so glad everyone has enjoyed this season as much as they have. honestly i didnt start watching/reading vinland until they started uploading it and now its one of my fav series ever


This story means so much to me. So glad you both fell in love with it as I did :)

Sergeant Jay

I’m glad to have experienced this show with both you girls, it has truly enlightened to a degree millions of people all over the world, including myself. I’m excited to see which show is next. P.S love the hat Milena. Another side note: “violet evergarden” would be a great show to go on the 4th spot for the poll THE MAIN CHARACTER IS A FEMALE.


short haired thorofinn, my favourite thorfinn look. so sad we now had to wait god knows how long for the next season... at least i read the manga but waiting for manga chapters is no better.


Was so excited for all the anime watchers to so see these last few episodes! The cutest thing in the world seeing goofy awkward smiling Thorfinn with his nieces and nephews 🥲 Without getting into spoilers for Succession the ending of that show hit me emotionally on a lot of levels. It just felt so validating in the things it was trying to communicate about human nature and how NOT to live a warm loving life and how NOT to treat others. Vinland Saga has been just as validating for me personally, seeing the values people can fight for to live a quality life The whole idea of Kettil's farm that they kept coming back to was just how illogical it was to manage SOOOO much ever growing farm land. The pursuit of more (money/power/influence over the world) is antithetical to a life of happiness and kindness. In the manga Olmar gives large sections of the Farm land to the families of all the men who died in the battle which I wish they would have communicated in the show. Kettil's father was right that they could have all just been so much happier if they had a small farm and didn't keep trying to expand. A lot of characters in Succession could have ended the story happier if they had taken one of the MANY chances they had to put their desire for more aside. This also ties into Canute and Thorfinn's journeys of course. It's so beautiful that Thorfinn could find someone like Einar and make the amazing change he's had. To not only want to find and create a happy simple life but to also want to find and give that to others is so fucking inspiring. A recurring theme of Succession is that people don't really change which obviously isn't in line with the themes about change in Vinland Saga. I just wanna believe that we can all have hope that at the very least moments of strong selflessness can come from others regardless of their background and that desire and efforts to change for the better can continue to reach each subsequent generation https://imgur.com/a/I2ed24y

Jack SV

Great season.


THANK YOU FOR THE AMAZING REACTIONS! <3 What an amazing season

Vivasvan Gautam

Past 9 months watching Vinland with you Girls went past like a breeze for me. It flew by so fast I am still processing it. Same is happening with hxh and the wire too. Tbh in first 3 episode reviews of Vinland, Milena scared me so much, I was getting a feeling that she will ask Lola to drop it because it wasn’t a feel-good happy show unlike FMAB. Considering that Vinland did not even have a poll and they in all likelihood were thinking that they got recommended another AoT like show. But I have witnessed something incredible during Vinland, Milena struggling to hold back tears in the review of episodes 23 and 24 of this season. I don’t think she has struggled to hold back tears in reviews ever. Whereas, Lola can shed tears on regular basis when reviewing. Milena said she felt embarrassed to talk about show and get emotional at same time. However, to me it’s wonderful that we could find something that you girls were able to so deeply connect to. I felt especially happy for Milena watching Vinland. Yukimura, the genius behind Vinland Saga, started writing it when he was 29. He's 47 now! And is still writing Vinland. This story has been continuing for so long because he has taken regular breaks from writing to raise his kids and be present with his life partner. Yukimura is one wholesome dude. He's lovable and kind-hearted person from blood to bone, it's really hard not to adore him. He has actually admitted in interviews that drawing violence in his manga sometimes scares him. A softie with a pen, that's our Yukimura! And he has also been blessed with good health, allowing him to pour his heart into the story. Being a mangaka is tough. Some creators' health deteriorates to the point where they can't finish their work. Take Togashi, the mastermind behind Hunter x Hunter, for example. His back/spine issues have made it physically impossible for him to sit for long periods forcing him to go on multiple hiatuses, but at least the anime has given the series a satisfying conclusion. Btw, Yukimura has finished about 95% of his writing for vinland, and the anime is giving the story the adaptation it truly deserves. Now, coming to the story itself. I agree with you girls, it feels like the whole prologue arc and the farmland arc were meant to be written together from the start to finish. It's like Yukimura had this clear plan in his mind, knowing exactly what he wanted to write and how to execute it. And he has done it in most astonishing and satisfying way possible. Among fans, just like you girls have said farmland arc is considered the best thing about Vinland. However, personally next arc is my favourite, because it hit so hard when I read manga. Imo next arc has some of the best moments of the story, up there with “I Have No Enemies”. And the fourth and final arc has one of my favourite moments in all fiction ever I have read or watched. Those who have read 4th arc know what I am talking about. If the director Shuhei Yabuta and the team continue to work on Vinland like this, I have no doubt from the way they are adapting the story the next arc will surpass the prologue arc for many if not farmland arc. Btw, Remember the prologue arc? 10/10. Let’s hope they keep continuing to work on story just like they have done in last two seasons.


Ari lived rent free in your brain and you got the reward 😂. Also loving that you adore the (teased) arc 3 Thorfinn character design at the end. I’ll always miss bearded Thorfinn but he really does look SO good with a clean face. Sadly they cut the manga moment where once Thorfinn shaves he’s so embarassed but Einar says “you don’t look intimidating at all” and Thorfinn changes his stance on it and says something like “I see, then that’s good”. But I understand they had to cut some stuff considering that they need to end it off properly, as the manga was able to go arc to arc with just a months wait rather than a year or more as anime are. Not to mention this adaptation has been praised immensely by the author himself. There’s no doubt that this anime will stay faithful to the authors vision and only expand on it. Now we get to wait probably 2 years for S3. I will literally die if we have the same 4 year wait we had between S1 and S2. But I believe that was mostly due to COVID complications. The chief animation director teased on Twitter that “Thorfinn’s journey will continue” so that hopefully means that a S3 is already in pre production. There are 4 total arcs in the manga so far, so that means that they don’t have to wait for content. There’s easily enough content put out already for them to start a new season. And the directors have said this series is one they want to adapt entirely. All that is left is to wait… 😭

Orr Malus

The character of Bug Eyes is a genius move on the part of the author. Yukimura does a complete tonal shift of the series during the farm arc. He admitted to being very worried about losing his entire audience because of it. Couldn't find out why he had a change of heart but he must have then noticed some glaring issues with the logic of the story particularly relating to Thorfinn's philosophy and character. In this season for example Thorfinn was only able to resolve things non-violently by using his superhuman skillset which he gained through violence. This completely invalidates the character's philosophy that violence is not necessary in solving any issue. In other words: had Askeladd not raised him to be a violent murderer he wouldn't have gained an audience with Canute in order to save the farm. This is where Bug Eyes comes in. Any criticism about Thorfinn's logic is addressed through Bug Eyes in a comedic fashion. In this episode for example Thorfinn chickens out and it's Bug Eyes that points out how dumb that is. The fact that he's a comedic character is very important because you want the audience to laugh at/with him, i.e. laugh at the criticisms. If Bug Eyes were a serious character the audience would have taken said criticisms more seriously, which in turn would have taken away from the message the author wants to push through Thorfinn's character.


If you want to read these chapters because they are a little different in the manga it is chapters 100-101. There's a cute scene where Ylva cuts Thorfinn's hair, and they have a nice talk.


I love your videos now that you finished vinland saga you sould start a wholsome anime like haikyuu it’s really good❤️

Lexi Browning

Thorfinn is 22 when he returns home, however based on the manga, the ending of this episode skips a lot of things that will definitely be shown in season 3. Also, in the manga, Ylva tells him that he's 22 and that his birthday is actually about to come up. So in the very last scene of this episode, he's most likely 23.


Others reaction to Ari's return: " Who is this guy? We met him before?" Lola and Milena reaction to Ari's return: 😲😲😭😭 That's why this is the best reaction channel of all! One thing about Snake: he doesn't appear in the manga anymore, but there are several declarations from Yukimura and the director of the anime that make me think that, sooner or later, they will do something with his character (maybe a spinf off). Just a guess of mine to be clear, nothing official.


Actually, it was reveals Yukimura (the author) always wanted to write a story with a character starting off as a broken slave. When pitching the idea his editor said he should first write a prologue as to HOW that character ended up a slave. And as such, the prologue arc was born. He’s actually quite active on Twitter @makotoyukimura. But I don’t recommend checking him out unless you are fully caught up as he tweets MANGA spoilers (which is several seasons worth of content ahead of where the anime is). He is one of the most wholesome authors out there. One user tweeted at him talking about how one character was her favorite and he responded asking for her birthday and then made the characters canonical birthday the same as hers. He is such a wonderful human. In one of his afterwords for the manga regarding Arnheid, he recalls a moment when his newborn son was sick, and eventually he had to sleep, only to discover his wife stayed up with him the whole night. He then said something along the lines of “a mothers love is something I as a man can never fully understand. If I were to be reborn someday, I wish to be reborn as a mother.” He also admitted that he gets squeamish and scared when drawing violence for his own series. Not surprising that such a wholesome person has created one of the most uplifting and hopeful arcs in fiction.

Addy Cop

This season was a therapeutic experience. Like you guys have been saying, this season has also healed something in me. What the hell am i supposed to watch now? Everything else will seem like a disappointment

Orr Malus

Yeah. Someone here posted an interview where Yukimura mentions the whole "Viking Arc was my editor's idea". I have read the manga and honestly I would have removed the first 70 issues out completely because it appeals to a different crowd entirely which would inevitably give up on the series once the tone shift happens, which is what exactly happened with the anime. Einar was clearly originally meant to be avatar of the audience, through him we would have slowly learned about Thorfinn's past. But on the other hand, to be fair to the editor, if things played out like Yukimura originally intended everyone would have dismissed Vinland Saga as just Rurouni Kenshin with vikings, which is what it technically is.


Thank you for your journey my friends. Was awesome to see it all again with you guys. Thorfinn is in my opinion one of if not the best character I've seen written. And this feels like just scratching the surface. Can't wait for next season 3, hopefully we won't wait so many years again.


i think the viking arc definitely help set the tone that Thorfinn went through. Plus it gave us Askeladd so it was definitely a booster for s2. Like s2 wouldnt hit as hard if we didnt have the first arc to show us what transpired.


Season 2 of this show was the best season of any show I've watched. But watching your guys' reaction to it might be the favorite of any 'reaction' content I've watched as well. So I want to thank you for all the effort and emotion you've shared with all of us. To answer your question about the girl who had a crush on Ari. She was just there to give viewers additional information. Because she was worried about Ari, Leif told her about Thors' plan to drop off the villagers at the nearest port and go by himself.


Wow has it really been that long since they started watching? Doesn't really feel like it. I know that you mean about Milena lol, I got the same feeling when they started watching Mob, she then even admitted to thinking about dropping Mob because she wasn't "getting it". All in all I'm really glad they stuck with both shows


Honestly, I love the prologue arc with the whole context of the series. Although I get where you’re coming from. If we didn’t see Thorfinn as the soulless husk full of revenge in the first arc, the second arc wouldn’t have been nearly as impactful. Not to mention we got Askeladd. A character so good that Yukimura even said he literally “wrote himself” at times. Where scenes he planned initially would end up entirely differently because Askeladd’s character was so good it just took charge. All in all, for those who actually UNDERSTAND that the series is a story condemning violence (which S1 clearly does as well, as I feel it’s never glorified and is rather horrific) it really gives Thorfinn much needed depth in this arc as he struggles to find redemption. The only way the first arc holds casual viewers back is if they’re those who actually couldn’t read between the lines in S1 to see that the story since the start was telling us how disgusting warfare is. But sadly, a large number of casual anime fans (not all, of course) only watch anime due to action scenes and them being “cool” (a trope that anime has pretty much become known for) and to be fair most anime place them in fictional settings so distant from real life that there really isn’t a need for moral reflection on them. But I’m a world such as Vinland which is actually taking place in our own world, many casual fans become so absorbed in the trope they forget this story actually is meant to take place with real humans simply fighting humans with no actual “evil” on either side. Just people who either get caught up in the myth of the “glory of war” and those who suffer from it. As such, anime watchers who have come to believe action is more important than story in anime have seen this season as jarring. This isn’t meant to sound elitist either, and I’m sorry if it does. But vinland even in S1 made it very clear that eventually Thorfinn would follow in his father’s footsteps ever since episode 2.


If you’re looking for anime that value messages and it’s plot over cliche action I highly recommend “Monster”. It’s a slow burn and is nearly two decades old, but is an incredible commentary on morality. It has one of the few anime antagonists that I feel can actually rival Askeladd. It may feel like “filler” at first but it all comes together just right. Totally different setting however, as it takes place in post Berlin Wall Germany. But it’s story is so good and it’s aged so well. It’s up on Netflix too in its entirety. Again, it’s a drama, much like VS S2. With most of its “action” being quick and short like vinland (often being shoot outs with guns rather than several episode long fights). But it’s SUCH a rewarding watch. I cannot recommend it enough for VS S2 fans.

Addy Cop

Thanks! Monster has been on my radar for a while now and i think im gonna check it out finally


This was one of the most heartwhelming episodes I've ever seen, I mean... is it possible to not cry? Thank you girls for bringing these reactions to us and thank you Yukimura for create such a beautiful story <3


The blonde girl who liked Ari is actually the villain of the next arc, she the one who says they should call Vinland amARIca instead

Robert H.

But the two are not the only ones. On Reddit, others had also asked what happened to her. This gave some the idea to ask Yukimura and/or the animation team if she can play a bigger role in season 3. Maybe an OVA of Ari getting together with Ylva and not her. :D

Robert H.

There is an entire arc between Three and Four, which was skipped due to difficulties with research. In this one, Snake would have played a bigger role again. If the anime adapts this arc from the notes and in collaboration with Yukimura, it will return 100% and could even be included in the next arc.


One of the best seasons of any show I’ve ever seen. It was a good idea to have a lot of comedy in this episode after everything that happened in the previous episodes too. Seeing Ylva so strong was great too, I’d expect nothing less from Thors kids🥲 I think I’m going to cave in and start reading the manga, I can’t wait a year or 2 to see what happens in this story😂 PS: Cyberpunk Edgerunners 4th slot in the poll🙏🙏

Robert H.

I watched the Reaction on the train. Great finale. Especially the scene with the very young Askeladd is a nice detail. Looking forward to Vinland Saga season 3 in 1.5 to 2 years. Also, I'm very excited for the next anime. In the next poll, there are really only anime that I feel fits you guys. This can only go well. 😌


i don’t know how to say it without sounding weird, but i really enjoyed seeing you cry so… PLS watch violet evergarden next it’s amazing


The show who redefined what true strangth in a man looks like

maurizio piras

please 86 or haikyuu for the next anime


86 reaction!?


I think one of my fav parts is Leif looking away once Thorfin and his mom are together, and he has this slight shaking as though he’s about to cry, or maybe because he is overjoyed. But it’s very subtle and I almost missed it.


I have to thank you girls as well because I only started watching this show because yous were uploading reactions, can’t imagine missing out on this masterpiece


I think, as far as Ari and that girl who liked him in season 1 are concerned, that this was made back then to emphasize how futile their goal was. When you think of it, Ari was already kinda into Ylva but more importantly, they all wanted to gain her heart through warriors' exploits. They left with Thors because they absolutely wanted to prove themselves on the battlefield, they thought honor was more important and that "love" would be gained as a logical response to being a great warrior. Ari, just like Thorfinn and the others, was blinded by this belief, and then there's this girl, who happened to already love him for who he was already. He didn't need to go to war and be a warrior, he didn't need to prove anything. She was already there, ready to love him and live in peace. Ari not being able to see that was kinda emphasizing how absurd and futile their purpose was. They all left thinking they would find something important but in the end, what was important was something they already had and that they just left behind.


I love that Ari is missing a few of his teeth- I assume that is from when Askeladd punched him after Thors died. What a great tiny detail to include!


Bro, he's missing teeth because he has been punched at some point by his wife


Please watch Haikyuu next! You guys need something happy but just as hyped as AOT. Trust me when I say you won't regret watching Haikyuu. It may even end up being in your top 10 lol


can someone tell me how they do poles like do they have a discord where they send out info or is it all on here


Ngl, I think you two would absolutely naruto if you like the way they tackle topics like war and peace in this show. That would be a dream come true if you both decided to react to naruto. Just take my money at that point.


Lola's seen a chunk of it already and the length along with HxH would make the Patrons riot :P


I'm rewatching Naruto just now, 40 eps into Shippuden. The amount of recap and flashbacks has been unbearable. I just fast forward or do something else in the mean time.


Wayyyy to long of a show for them to want to react to for like 3-4 years


My gf just walks in on my sick ass, balling my eyes out to two girls who were also crying. Now I have her hooked on their vids too; love these reactions so much.


Naruto's takes on war and peace are like that of an 11 year olds.


I’ll agree, one piece is straight up I watchable in my opinion, but I don’t see how anyone can hate naruto. How dare you lol


My friends and family now instantly know exactly who I'm talking about when I say "the girls". My Mom watches them loads too, we often watch the reactions together ❤️


Guys how long has shuhei yabuta been following LM on Twitter? Am I late?


No need to say whos better. Two legends CAN coexist.


okay, kinda late but i just had the time to watch the discussion of this and the bear while i cleaned the house and please, lola asking bug-eyes name... hilarious. his name is also thorfinn, that's the funny thing, but he's hardly ever referred as thorofinn so i guess it's easy to forget. but yeah, he's also thorfinn.


The amount of free water this show produces makes you really wonder how the hell it hasn't won the Nobel prize


Beautiful reaction from two beautiful girls for such a beautiful show! Thank you.

David Brown

tercera temporada, arco de la expedición al este. Lo que viene es cada vez mejor.


Yes, this is a life changing show, the best written season ever made. Joined my top5 show of life with Avatar, The leftovers, hunter x hunter and Mob Psycho <3