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the wire 203

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I'd bet you 6 copper coins that it is. I just feel a little bad when the first comments on other shows are about other show uploads :P

Orr Malus

I know everyone likes the new camera, so do I, but I want to rain on everyone's parade and point out that it's likely an UHD camera. What this means is higher quality which means larger video files which means slower video seeking which means slower editing and longer rendering times which means slower updates. Truly a Faustian deal...


If slow video seeking starts to become a problem then I'd suggest LM to start incorporating the use proxies (if they aren't using it already) to their editing process. If slow rendering starts to become a problem tho, that'd would require a hardware upgrade


actually the only thing that takes longer is transferring the files to the laptop, so we can still blame our schedule on our poor organization skills

Orr Malus

Laptop, huh? If you thought making a post about what anime you should watch next was intense, try making a post about what PC rig you should build.


I agree with Lola … Avon totally gambled with D’s life/health. He knew that D’Angelo had been distant from him and so he had no reason to think he would tell him the truth about laying off the drugs. Plus, since when does anyone trust an addict anyway when they say they aren’t gonna use? You can’t ever trust that… and seriously, Avon talks a big game about family but if he really cared he would never have let D take 20 years in the first place. Avon really only cares about Avon


Valchek can’t, or won’t, publicly raise a stink about the van because he doesn’t want to admit to the rest of the police department that something so valuable got snatched right out from under his nose. He got clowned. It’s REALLY embarrassing Like Daniels said last season, “you’d rather live in shit than let the world see you work a shovel”


I'm being overly optimistic here, but I like to imagine that Avon was looking through his little window at the guy passing out the drugs and noticed that D didn't take any. And that if he had, Avon would have run out of his cell (cause he's Avon and can do that) and slapped the drugs out of his hands.


Lola, I think Stringer is more the calculative one. Avon was always the more emotional one in season 1.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Avon specifically told the guy handing the drugs to skip D even if D asked for it. Briana said in the last season if D asked Avon to take the 20 instead that he would and he would take it, but that would mean D would've had to be the leader and we ALL know D wouldn't have been able to do that. Avon does love his family, it's the one thing you actually don't have to guess about him.


Is it me or are the girls a tad out of focus? Perhaps it's something off with the settings instead, but it definitely looks a bit soft. Maybe the lens just needs adjusting because it's a shallower depth of field, as you can see in the thumbnail for the full reaction video.


That’s their natural halo. Couldn’t see it before without the HD.


That was just words though. Avon has continued making calls from the inside when he has been sentenced to 7 years with Brianna and Stringer are running the business on the outside. No reason why that same approach wouldn’t have been used if Avon had been sentenced to 20 instead of 7. Nah, they would never have got D to run things on the outside. It would’ve always been Brianna and Stringer. That was just empty words from Brianna to D make him step up and take the weight.

Jay Craig

the wave LOL


Omar said to tell everyone "Omar's back" so hes back in Baltimore.


We really need to legalize sex work and give sex workers unions for real... The Wire is based af. People will ALWAYS be willing to work for sex so it literally makes no sense to not legalize it and protect workers I feel like this season will never not be relevant. Like being a sex worker anywhere in the world where it's illegal to be one is already a horrifying notion but being a sex worker in a country that outlaws sex work while being undocumented and trafficked is the worst kind of slavery. As of 2020 over 70% of sex "workers" were estimated to be undocumented and I know it's even worse in places like The Philippines I know trafficking and pimping will always exist but I really hope the rest of the world can follow in the foot steps of Germany and prohibit pimping and regulate sex prostitution https://traffickinginstitute.org/u-s-immigration-policy-and-human-trafficking-two-sides-of-the-same-coin/#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Department%20of%20State,the%20United%20States%20each%20year.&text=An


I think saying Avon gambled with D's life is being generous- I always took this as Avon basically saying to D "If you lied to me about taking drugs that is disrespectful enough that you deserve to die." In all their prison interactions so far this season, Avon has tried to talk with D but has never viewed him as an equal or approached him as an equal- to him D is another chess piece in the game for him to control. D has realized that he doesn't get anything positive out of his relationship with Avon, so D has stopped trying to maintain that relationship. Avon doesn't actually care about D, he only cares about D showing him the proper respect.


It was psychotic what Avon did and on top of that I think it also hurt Dee. Like he really thought for a second that the reason his uncle told him to stop using was because he cared about him I lean toward the belief that Avon was just so egotistical and sure of himself and his affect on Dee that he didn't see it as a risk. He knows displays of genuine affection from him mean a lot to Dee and looks in his eyes and tells him that he's "asking out of love" for him to stop for a day. Dee has a great big sigh and says “alright.. a few days…” I totally see why it's such a big discussion point Either way fuck Avon, totally get why anyone wouldn’t feel attached to him, especially if it’s important that they feel warmth from a character and it’s been a while since we’ve seen him behave this way toward family


Michael K Williams who played Omar tried to push for even MORE love scenes! Bless that man and the writers for giving us a gay character who’s sexuality is a feature and not his whole character/personality. Props to The Wire and Six Feet Under for giving us black characters who were gay in the early 00s and had actual agency and were written like people. Before these shows the 90s was famous for its effeminate black male characters who were used as accessories to the white leads, something for the audience to laugh at (see the roles Chris Tucker and the Wayan brothers were stuck with). There's a lot of literature concerning the way black men were/are treated as a novelty in Hollywood, almost always written and directed by white men and never seen in relationships with white women. This isn't even touching on how gay black men were treated during the rise of HIV and AIDS You can use the Bechdel test on movies and shows with black characters and still so many don’t pass it (does the story have a black character? Do they talk to another black character? Do they talk to another black character about things besides white characters?)


Man if the discussions are this long in season 2, I can only imagine how long your season 3 and season 4 videos are going to be. Hahaha, not that I am complaining, as long as the quality is this good I don't mind people talking about my favorite show for this long.


There was a specific comment Lola made this episode in one of the Omar scenes that made me think about season 4 and cackle. IYKYK

M Salam

The hot shots were get the CO in trouble.


Man I was watching another channel review the Wire and I couldn’t wait till Season 4!! How about he decided to no longer review The Wire after completing Season 3. Can you imagine 😳


Man you girls got some double standards.

Jordan Spears

Gotta love comments like this that dont go into detail, therefor pointless.