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hh36 full

This is "hh36 full" by lm react on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Oh God this episode... the second hand embarrassment is going to be rough

Joaquín Calderón

The fact you really fell in love with Kurapika makes me saaaad 😭😭 The second hand embarrassment with Hisoka’s moans was haaaard


The mysterious commentator at the beginning of the episode is just an easteregg from another work by Togashi (HH author), the character in the scene is called Prince from the anime Level-E. In the HH manga, this same scene is played out by the caricature of master Togashi.


I really forgot there was more moaning this ep. Dont worry tho this is around the limit of how hisoka is. next episode is honestly one of my favorites its really like a feel good episode for me.

Isaiah Cox

This reaction really had me dead asf 💀people’s reactions to hisoka’s battle boner will always make me laugh.


love next ep


Hisoka is such a devious critter


I love this arc, the fight between Gon and Hisoka is breathtaking in both versions (99 and 2011) and in the manga too, but I like 99 better because of the soundtracks and the animation style (and the crowd even root for gon in an epic way). There's the full battle on Youtube for those who are curious.


Bungee Gum is damn strong and although he's creepy, writing him as a goalpost before getting to the real world feels pretty smart. He's throwing Gon very violently in to the shallow end of the pool. Which I guess is the conceit of it all. Do we want Gon to be safe or do we want him to follow his dreams? Hisoka is just the tip of the iceberg of this world.


I love Hisoka, he has so much screen presence.


The rest of the show, Hisoka will not be as obscene as you seen him in the episode. He ends up being pretty tolerable after this.

Sergeant Jay

I feel bad for Hisoka’s voice actor lol


prepare to have your kurapika thirst quenched.


One of the greatest anime arcs incoming.


This show will be the slowest, most satisfying build-up to their emotional evisceration we've ever seen on this channel 🥰

Jay rellim

true. imo in the anime, ep 36 is worse than 68 but in the manga, the equivalent of episode 68 is worse than 36 (in the manga equivalent of ep 68 he literally has a hard on and iirc he’s staring at their butts as they walk in front)


I'm on episode 81 of my first watch through and it depresses me a bit how long it's going to be before they get to that point. But it's also exciting that there's so much amazing content still to come.


I'm here to recommend Monster after finishing Vinland saga, you won't regret it, one of the best written anime, you won't even feel like you're watching an anime, but you'll feel like you're seeing real actors, trust me

Andres Osorio

Im here to explain all that is creepy., Hisoka in this world is attracted to "power" in all its forms. personally love it and isn't the biggest deal with people who have left the comics to this point!


In my perfect world, LM Reactions would be watching One Piece, I just know Lola and Milena will laugh and cry along the ride. One can dream haha


in my perfect world, they don't watch one piece, i don't want to get old before i see another anime reaction after one piece, i always say, you have to read the manga, one piece anime sucks, and anyway oda goes down hard with fan service after the time skip, and the girls wouldn't like that


it really is the ultimate anime for them; especially cuz after losing so many beloved shows they always want their shows to last and with op its just like a consistent thing that's always there and u can always look forward to even if other shows end

Shivering King Banana

One piece sucks, sorry. Luffy is irritating, it takes 300 episodes for most characters to get development and there are never any stakes. Let's just stick with Seinen instead of crappy shounen that are nothing more than power fantasies, wish fulfillment, and Marvel level humor.


oh im so excited for you! do leave a spoiler-warning comment of your general impression when youve nearly finished :')


cant wait for the one piece brotherhood 2030 remake that gets the rest of the world on board <3 edit: oops, in reply to above

ClusterDSA .

The next 2 episodes are basically a bridge between the arcs. You could call them part of the next arc if you wanted but really they are like a little break that leads into the next big thing. A chance to catch your breath before things get intense again lol.


bro the world would be a better place if everyone thought like you...


I hope they don't read these comments, People spoiling so much for no reason




feel like this will become more of a problem the further we get into the show sadly, feels like a matter of time before 'omg they are not ready for ep ***' type comments start appearing


I’m so glad this episode is over LMAO 😂 finally, I can watch the rest of these reactions in peace!

Colin Huckestein

Oh man, the length of time this will take is only going to bum you out more once you get further lol, there's still so much YOU have left! But at least it's not like the episodes between now and then aren't going to get better and better, they're coming up on one of the best arcs now.

Vivasvan Gautam

Here for the fights among hxh fans about what counts a spoiler or what does not.

Robert H.

After today's Vinland Saga episode I have to say that I would like them to wait the 2 weeks so they can watch the last 3 episodes in a row. Otherwise they will suffer so much from the end of the respective episodes...


Rules of what counts as a spoiler: #1- Comment is always a spoiler #2- if comment isn't a spoiler, see rule #1


Luffy is one of the best fictional characters ever created and saying "one piece sucks" is stupid, nobody believes it. Grifis you say that manga is better so you read 1100 chapters of smth that you don't like? I'd rather prefer them to react forever to One Piece than to see them react few months to Monster anyway

Shivering King Banana

Why is Luffy one of the best fictional characters? And if takes me 500 episodes to appreciate him that's a big fail on the part of the show. One piece does suck. Just because it's been around a long time and a lot of people like it doesn't mean it doesn't suck. Mcdonald's is almost 100 years old and plenty of people eat there all the time but no one acts like it's the best burger. The main argument I hear in favor of One Piece is that there will always be more, and you'll be able to come back to the characters you know and love forever. Sounds like abandonment issues to me.

Kya Colosseum

I've consistently ended the past 3 episodes screaming at the screen for ending, not prepared for how bad the wait is going to be next week

Kya Colosseum

HxH fans can't help themselves, really sad cause its a show that benefits from zero expectations imo.

Shivering King Banana

I think it does benefit if people have general expectations of what happens in a Shounen. Like for example the hunter exam tournament. But I know that's not what you're talking about.

Norrin Radd

You are goddesses! 🙏


Yeah I realize I have loads of interesting episodes left as well! I guess I'm gonna keep going and finish up. I watched the first 28 episodes with the girls twice a week but got bored one Saturday night and went ahead.


1. I don`t want them to react to One Piece because Manga>Anime and it takes too long. Also a lot of One Piece lessons are either wrong or misleading, and One Piece doesn`t promote good behavior or good values(unlike Hunter X Hunter for example, or Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, or Legends of The Galactic Heroes, or Saiki Kusuo). BUT. 2. One Piece as literature is amazing. The world-building is best among any other literature. The storytelling is perfect. The East Blue Saga is perfect from every point of view. The Alabasta is almost perfect. After that it gets worse, because of too much fan-service, annoying character traits(like Nami "beating" crew-mates, or Sanji being a horndog). And even tho writing gets better, and Water7 and MarineFord, are perfect in writing, in world-building, and in storytelling; the bad character moments are getting more and more annoying(like reading East Blue, there is a feeling that Luffy is a weirdo that seems dumb on the outside but is really smart and just pretends. But by Amazon Lily Luffy is a legit idiot). So by the middle of TimeSkip(or this days) One Piece feels like a filler, or a marvel movie. And writing in manga gets worse. Because in first chapter it is simple and easy to follow, but by this days it is a lot of text on a one page and is nightmare to read, and that is manga, anime delays every moment so much that is basically unwatchable(ie:5 minutes repetition of previous episodes. During episode, 2 second punch becomes 3 minutes slow-mo, and every then some episodes repeat ceratin flashback again and again, and 20 minutes episode gets delayed to 1-2 hours etc). So in short, One Piece East Blue Saga+Alabasta can be watched and/or read as lessons in world-building and storytelling for novice writers, BUT, after Alabasta, One Piece becomes "bad lesson"/"bad show for advice". And interesting thing is, it is shown on "popularity" contests. One Piece East Blue Saga was very popular, Alabasta even more, during Water7 and MarineFord, One Piece was the most popular manga(more popular than any other manga), but then it goes down and down and down.


I have appreciated Luffy since episode 1 for what he said to Coby, I have no idea why someone would need 500 episodes to appreciate him... SPOILER you didn't appreciate him when after all the pain he went through while climbing the Drum Rock he said "they are my nakama"? There are so many moments that make him atypical in comparison with all other shonen heroes, for example the scene where he argues with Vivi in Arabasta or when he asks Zoro to not fight back against Bellamy because of the resolution of his dreams. Comparison with mcdonald's or saying that it is appreciated because it is around since long time simply don't make sense.


Before timeskip Arabasta is the arc I liked least, after timeskip I loved Punk Hazard and Dressrosa, Dressrosa is a wonderful arc


of course it is and this answer just proved me that you don't know what are you talking about, it wasn't about those words. Only thing I can suggest you is to rewatch first arcs of One Piece

James Jaya

As great as one piece is, we do have to admit that it rely too much on some perverted jokes like many shounen at the time. I will admit I do find it funny when I was a teenager, but I am not sure whether female adult reader will feel comfortable with these jokes.

Robert H.

What an evil mind you have! I can understand that somewhere, but we watch their Reaction because we want to have the feeling to show someone a show that you enjoy very much. If they end up frustrated because the episode is already over, it would diminish their Watch experience. Also, the 60 Minutes finale is just event upon event. It feels very aborted when you can only watch 20 minute sequences once a week that feel like they end in the middle. And if we get the Q&A instead of the Reaction, it's also not an additional editing effort for them this week.

Vivasvan Gautam

*****Spoilers***** Respectfully, This episode had some ideas which some reaction channels could not grasp. Well i dont doubt lola and milena's analysing capabilities and i hope they'll be able to do justice to review part, however I am also afraid that things may not get clear in first watch. It certainly took me 3-4 readings of Manga chapter back then and further a lot lot lot of discussion and deliberation on various forums to get hang of what yukimua intended to show us(in the second half of the ep 22 that was adapted) and even now I am learning new interpretations of people as episode has aired. This ep is semantically most heavy one. Girls are fast to interpret and understand sub text behind the text but imo a week's time is needed to wholly absord and understand the ideas. And don't worry about once a week watch ruining their experience, that is for them to own and feel. They've survived much worse cliffhangers of aot.