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its still processing but im about to fall asleep so i leave you with this


vinland 14

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love you both


and bless


am i exhausted right now? well, yes. am i still going to watch at least the intro and the full? of course. anyway, good night ❤️


Gn, ty for uploading this today. I was really looking forward to it.


Yeah I also read the manga and thought he had blonde hair, even though the manga is completely black and white, I can see why you guys would think that was Einar haha


By the way. Ketil’s story wasn’t in the manga. MAPPA is doing awesome with the extra content. If they keep this extra content in the next season, than it will be so awesome and heartwarming to see what they have to add for the next arc.


i kinda remembered gardar as a blonde but he's not because even if the manga is in black and white the covers are not, and this is the cover of volume 13 (the one that covers this arc) it's a mandela effect shit i suppose https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vinlandsaga/images/8/8d/Volumen_12.png/revision/latest?cb=20190728091203&path-prefix=es


also, i don't remember if they specified something in the managa but yeah, safe to assume that poor baby is dead. i was confused at first when gramps started telling that story because that was not in the manga but i like when they add things like that ngl. my boy einar is the purest soul istg. he loved arnheid but what he cares about the most is her being free. like, not even for a second he was against gardar. he was like "he's here to liberate arnheid? well, let's help" the world does not deserve a person as good as him. i like snake as a character, but damn, i forgot how much he pissed me off at certain moments.

Jack SV

My only issue with this season so far is the lack of Thorfin. He is the main character yet he is starting to feel like a background character to be honest.


Truly love how Einar was willing to sacrifice his own potential happiness just so Arnheid could be free. He really is the best. Also, Lola! You pronounced Arnheid's name right at 8:02.


The one slaying vikings on the battlefield in the intro is supposed to be Snake right? He has the same sword and it wouldn't surprise me if he had military training from the way he behaves in a fight. I'm excited that we'll probably get to see his backstory soon.


What? but if there were literally 7 episodes dedicated only to him and his character development, and the season isn't over...

Robert H.

Snake is the image of an honest warrior for Thorfinn in this arc. He fights, he kills, but all he does is protect the farm and the "property" of Ketil. He does not kill for pleasure. For Thorfinn, this development would also have been a possibility. One can, of course, question the morality that Snake represents. But in general, many characters who were previously good or evil turn gray at the end, which I didn't like at all with one particular character, but fits Vinland Saga.

Robert H.

I would love to get into his sword, but I feel like the anime will add things here that the manga didn't address. In general, the potential for OVAs in Vinland Saga is huge. Especially after seasons 3, MAPPA could use an entire season just for stories that the manga touched on.


To be fair he is much more important in this season comparing to the first one. At least his development was done well.


For Arnheid's pronunciation, I think you guys just need to remove the "h" so it sounds like "Ar-neid". That's what it sounds to me anyway.

Orr Malus

Snake is a Christian and when he was reading the Bible to old man Ketil he mentioned he preferred the "first part" meaning the Old Testament. This hints that he's a very black or white, 10 commandments, rules are rules type of guy. This is why he didn't let the two kids go because "thou shall not steal". Before taking Gardar on, he asked Fox if he really did kill Lizard. This is why he didn't let Gardar go because "thou shall not murder".


The scanlation back in the day at some point also used "Arneis" which is actually closest to what they say in the anime.