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it still isn’t processed 100% but i’m gonna fall a sleep, so here’s the link, hopefully it won’t get blocked


the last of us 1x09

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Jack SV

So is this getting replace with another live action show?


I never played the game, but I couldn't imagine them casting this show any better than they did. They cast was perfect. I agree 100%.


I love that they call Ellie's moms casting perfect, as that is Ellie's actress from the game.


The interesting thing to come out of the show is that medical people who have never played the game spoke out after the finale and talked about how reckless the fireflies were. They were willing to perform a surgery with no testing. No blood analysis, no spinal tap, no trying to grow the cells to even see if it would work (a procedure which is difficult even in the best of circumstances apparently). And if this is the person you were waiting for all this time, wouldn't you at least test as much as you can before you kill the patient? They just got her, and immediately put her under for this procedure that they didn't know at all if it would work. And even if it did work, and that's a big if (like Joel said earlier in the show, they have been promising. Miracle cares for years and nothing ever happened).... Marlene could not even organize a car battery or a personnel transfer in Boston successfully. How could she organize a logistical network to distribute a cure worldwide? Nothing about what they were promising was a sure thing. That doesn't make it right for Joel to lie to Ellie, but I will always support him saving her from them.


Season 2 is expected to come out in 2025


This criticism from the medical community has existed since the game came out, and even Dr Mike talked about it in his video a couple of weeks ago. Personally, I think the conversation around whether saving someone you love at the expense of humanity is more interesting than is this medically accurate, so I’m ok with them using some artistic liberties, which every piece of fiction does.


On a HBO podcast one of the creators Neil Druckman talked about the ending of the game and asked playtesters (people who see if the game is working correctly on a technical level and also story wise) what they thought about the ending. If the player was not a parent, they were 50/50 on Joel's decision, some would side with him and others thought he was the villain. However if the player was a parent, they said they were 100% on Joel's side with no exceptions.


I agree with what joel did but not the lying about it. She didnt even get asked what she wanted to do, its not 100% a working cure(its a chance it could be), who knows how they would give out the cure? Would everyone get it even fedra like it would be a political chess piece for them and they could end up world dictators worse then anything they had before, also the cure would help people from turning but wouldnt help those already infected so people would still die from the billions of infected and people would still be raiding and killing each other it really wouldnt fix anything. I get why he lied to her he is trying to protect her and doesnt want her mad at him but it still sucks all the same but i can completely get behind him in doing what he did even if it was a sure fire cure im sorry but i am taking that choice from my child if it’s selfish then i guess im selfish but thats how i see it. Great reaction!


you guys should watch the Sopranos. It has the greatest character of all time.

Alexander Foster

At the end Lola said “I don’t think they’ve even started film season 2” Actually they are almost done filming for season 2 this was information we got a week after the world premiere. Which was months ago. So they are most likely done by now. Great reaction!! Love your channel I just joined your patreon to help support❤️


Not speaking to any opinions, just the facts: The idea that it "wouldn't fix anything" is just emphatically untrue. While it wouldn't cure those already infected, it would drastically reduce the number of infected, instead of always growing/replenishing their numbers. Eventually they would all die out and be overcome by immune humans. It's just not an instant solution, obviously. They still have to actually distribute and administer the vaccinations for one. But healthy humans eventually would win out by sheer numbers. And just because there's a possibility of corruption with regards to controlling the cure doesn't mean it's not a solution, either.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

The medical community didn’t say anything about a bandage around the arm curing gunshot wounds to the torso tho? Lol. It’s a video game, of course the creators wouldn’t get the actual science completely right. The technicalities of making a vaccine weren’t the point, the whole point was that Joel was willing to sacrifice what’s left of humanity for this person he cares about. I also hate the argument about “why couldn’t they just take samples.” Because we’re 20 yrs into the apocalypse, and no one is a brain surgeon. If the doctor is making a vaccine, then he specialises in immunology, not neurology. They probably didn’t know how to even get to it, without killing her, let alone do it multiple times to get samples to work on, like some people suggest.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

No, Lola’s right, they haven’t started filming S2 yet. Probably won’t start filming til the end of the year. Can’t wait to see the casting for it.


I've only played the games so I'm not in this world but where did you hear that from? That sounds wild to me and I feel like I would've heard about it.


You guys should watch Narcos if you haven’t, it’s finished and it’s really good!


They absolutely nailed this first season. Like many fans of the game, I was very apprehensive when I heard that they were adapting a story which frankly had no business being adapted. The quality of the show is not only a huge relief, but something that will now forever stand side-by-side with the source material itself. I had my doubts in the first two episodes given the changes that were made, but by the time we were midway through the season it became clear that the creators knew exactly what they were doing. Shoutout to Ramsay, Pascal, and of course Druckmann for being able to pull this all off.

Orr Malus

Regarding how Ellie became immune from the cordyceps. Medically speaking fungus spores are too big to pass through the placenta. They're also too big to pass through the blood/brain barrier. So yeah, everyone was freaking out for no good reason in particular.


I have no idea where you heard this from but no, they have not started filming season 2 yet.

Alexander Foster

Pedro Pascal in an interview said they a half way done with filming season 2. I can find the clip.


Sopranos would be great. Same with Succession.


I recommend Barry, the good place, or the wire for finished shows. Barry final season starts this weekend so it will also be done soon.


It was only announced less than 2 weeks ago that they will be shooting in Vancouver. Filming will begin later this year. https://deadline.com/2023/03/the-last-of-us-season-2-location-1235314676/

El hombre

Ashley Johnson, the actress who plays Ellie's mother on the show is the same one who portrays Ellie's character on the game

El hombre

they should definitely react to the good place, they're gonna love it


I really hope Black sails will one day actually be voted on for a future series you can react to but so far it hasn’t been looking good. One day I hope because that show is very underrated and extremely good.


The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire, and Ozark are brilliant, but are cold and merciless and not nearly as emotionally compelling or emotionally intelligent as Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul/Mr Robot. It's tough not to hate most of the characters in those shows and they become frustrating, though rewarding, watches. Oppositely, The Wire, Hannibal, The Good Place, The Leftovers, Mad Men, Twin Peaks, Barry, and The Americans have emotionally brilliant storylines and characters you can't help but fall in love with, as well as consistently high quality writing throughout.

Orr Malus

Hahaha. Imagine their faces watching Season 3 of Twin Peaks. Humpty Dumpty is evil. David Bowie is a giant teapot. Abraham Lincoln is a hobo-demon. None of these ''spoilers'' will make sense before or after you watch the show. Good luck.


Melkor, you can't actually be serious. Black Sails nearly beat Mr. Robot in the poll. There's a fairly high chance that it's the next show

Preston Smith

+1 for Mad Men or Hannibal


loved the reactions!!! i was so emotional this entire episode 😭😭 i suggest watching nbc hannibal! its a completed 3 season show that’s very good :)


Mad Men would be such an amazing series to react to


this was a treat. today was my first day off in a while and i spent the day cleaning, doing chores and catching up with your reactions. it's also my birthday so that was kinda a treat to myself. i actually watched part of this episode while eating cake lol i was watching joel murdering a bunch of people while eating a piece of cake. anyway, as someone who hasn't played i loved this show. i watched a couple of playthroughs since then and since i'm not a patient person i also watched a playthrough of the second game. i can't wait for the next season. i'm not sure which show is replacing this, are you two still reacting to shadow and bone? i still haven't watched the 2nd season because i was waiting for your reactions to watch along, but i don't think you've mentioned it. anyway, i know it's wishful thinking but here i am again recomending midnight mass. only 8 episodes, it's already finished and you bothe loved the hounthing of hill house and liked bly mannor too. the show is a masterpiece and i'm sure you'd adore it. and the acting is some of the best i've seen in a show.


Happy birthday! I also support the Midnight Mass recommendation.


please put black sails on the next poll! there is a lot in there that i know you girls will love - compelling themes, character-focused and the female cast is very prominent. but most importantly (for me), it NAILS ITS ENDING and wraps up all threads beautifully.

Marco St

Oh man, Barry for sure. Easily the most unique show on your list.


I think there’s a lot of things they’d really enjoy about Six Feet Under and Buffy, lots of wholesome likable but flawed characters. Really think there’s a of story elements that they’d LOVE about Sopranos and The Wire but it might take them a little while to find characters they really deeply bond with in each show Wish they hadn’t already watched Fleabag and Peaky Blinders …


Let me be pessimistic if I want cmon man. 😝 ITS NOT GONNA WIN JUST BECAUSE I WANT IT TO.


Hannibal is the only one I’ve seen of them and that one is amazing easily a masterpiece.


Any chance of a first playthrough of the game? Wishful thinking... xD

Max Carter

I think they would love Hannibal, I definitely did and aside from being extremely well made it ticks a lot of the boxes that Lola and Milena seem to enjoy in a show

Kenneth thomas

I became a patron just to see this ep early lol. As much as you guys love the moments of just Joel and Ellie walking around and talking you would adore the video game. To us og game players the show feels a little rushed mostly because there is SO much of that for you to absorb in the game. Regardless of that I think the show is fantastic, but there are a lot of great moments that build their relationship even more.