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its still at 360p but it should be done soon and i need to sleep so i leave you with this


tlou 108

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I beat the original game when it was first released and I played through it again a couple weeks before the show came out. I had a bit of trepidation going into it but the show really blew me away. It was better than anything I could have expected. While the show does put a LOT less emphasis on the infected, I understand why they made that decision. The human interactions are by far the more interesting part of this story and I think too much infected would be distracting. The casting was perfect and I think Bella and Pedro were absolute perfection. Part II will most likely be 2 seasons. I think stretching it to 3 seasons might be too much. The second game is twice as long as the first game. Lastly, thank you for letting me rewatch the show with you. I enjoyed it that much more :)


You are correct that venison is deer meat. They called it "venison" as code, so the other people wouldn't know what it really was.


This is Bella Ramsey's emmy episode. Also, credit to the actor that played David. He was fantastic.

Spilled Wine

What I've seen of the general consensus from people who've played the game is that this is an excellent adaptation.


Little fun fact for you, Troy Baker, the actor who played James in this episode, plays Joel in the video game.

Greg Spivak

Fun nerd fact: That whole burning restaurant scene was a bossfight in the game. You play as Ellie trying to hide and sneak around to kill him as he taunts you. Very well adapted, like the rest of the show. The interrogation scene with Joel was also almost line-for-line from the game.


I won't lie I was one of those people you mentioned that was a lil questionable about the casting choice for Ellie at first. But I was quickly settled down as I watched and this episode especially just shows her acting prowess.


The show did a better job of developing David and his community. In the game, we know that David is religious, but not a preacher, and we know nothing about his community other than his group is hunting Joel and Ellie. Also, David is much worse in the show than the game. It’s implied he’s a pedophile in the game too, but he doesn’t try to sexually assault Ellie when he’s on top of her. One thing the game does better than the show is having the player trust David initially. In the game, after David and Ellie find shelter and wait for James to return with the penicillin, they are attacked by a large horde of infected. It’s an extended sequence, and you have to rely on David to assist you, just like you would rely on Joel. After you defeat the infected, David reveals he knows who Ellie and Joel are.


Poor Ellie really goes through it here. As others have said, a lot of this is very accurate to the game. Including the fact that Joel doesn't save her, which I always liked. In this part of the game (the "Winter" section, as that's how it was split into chapters) you played *as* Ellie for the first time. It both showed that she was just as much a main character, and felt appropriate for the story. And the fact that she ultimately saves herself is a good extension of that. Not to mention, at the time the whole 'macho guy saves a captured girl' thing was still pretty common in games, so not having that happen was nice.


I think a lot of people were a bit hesitant. I was also one of the people thinking “Bella doesn’t look or sound like Ellie”, but I kept an open mind and now think she deserves an Emmy (if Rhea Seehorn doesn’t win of course).


Yeah, I was laughing every time Milena and Lola mentioned Joel coming in to save the day. It was a great subversion of expectations, especially for a video game.


As someone who’s played the game I give this show a 8,5/10 because it wonderfully adapted the game and made the world feel natural and big. I personally don’t have many disagreements with the show tho it has made quite a few small changes which I am mostly fine with tho some I have a problem with. For example the most controversial disagreement I have is episode 3 which took Bill’s character a completely different direction than the game and while that episode was perfect it was also wasted potential since I preferred his game counterparts where he meets Joel and Ellie and a lot of great dialogue happen (especially between Bill and Ellie). Otherwise there are a few nitpicks here and there I can make personally but as a whole the show has been great.


I love that part in the game and how it makes you trust Davis a bit before you realize he’s definitely not someone you wanna be near.


Best part because I immediately recognized his voice. Best voice actor in the game imo and best Joel. I mean Pedro’s great too but the game Joel has me all nostalgic from my time with him in the game.


I think for the most part, the show has done a much better job of demonstrating character development and motivations, they've added so much more depth to Joel especially.


David does try to sexually assault her in the game though


the fact that david used to be a teacher :(


To clarify, I mean rape, I just didn’t want to say it. Yes, he touches her hand when she’s imprisoned without her consent, if that’s what you’re thinking of, but that’s as far as he goes. When he’s on top of her, he says “Do you think you know me? Well let me tell you something, you have no idea what I’m capable of.” If you don’t press the triangle prompt to obtain the machete, he just chokes her to death.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

How well they’ve adapted the first game has given me hope for the second, which is by fav my favourite. I’m very curious about the casting, as part 2 has favourite characters.

Siti Dee

You guys are the perfect reactors to this show! I gave in and joined the patreon to watch this episode bc it's my fav one! Can't wait for the finale!


She's still not Ellie to me, but she still did a great job. I've chosen to view this show as a sort of alternative universe retelling, and so she's an alternative universe Ellie.


But I still think there should have been more infected in the show. You can say that the human interactions are more important while still showing the threat of the infected and why there are so few humans left and how society has unraveled so much. Considering the reported budget of this show, which is very nearly Game of Thrones level, the overall lack of infected was disappointing to me. As was several instances where you can tell they have truncated the narrative in order to save money. That's just odd. Now I did like the show overall, but it went from a 10 out of 10 when it started to about a 7.5 out of 10 by the time it ended for me. They made some really weird decisions, and some of the great concepts they introduced early on (different from the game) they never followed up on. That struck me as kind of sloppy. I've struggled whether to award this and 8/10 or 7/10 and landed on a 7.5


Lola mentioning Our Beloved Summer, any chance on doing any K-Drama on the channel? There's really good ones that I think you two will definitely enjoy!

Spilled Wine

About episode 3: I read a comment somewhere that equates Bill and Frank's relationship as a lesson to Joel. In the game, things don't end well for them and it becomes a cautionary tale for Joel, while in the show Bill is able to leave a letter of what he learned from his time with Frank, giving it a more positive ending.


dang, was pulling for mr robot 409 today, likely won't have time to watch on time tomorrow but ah well, hope things are good!


yeah I am waiting as well but does not look like its coming tonight.


Genuinely not impressed with the lack of consistency with scheduling

Ekaj Ex

Yes, I think a weekly schedule would be a good idea with fast communication if something comes up. They’ve posted schedules before, wish they’d do it regularly.


I agree, and I don't mean to be negative but given that there's two of them, it's not a 1 man operation, and the amount of revenue they're bringing in for this page - I'd expect at the very core of basics that schedules would be updated considering that it literally takes seconds to do - just can't understand how something so simplistic can be so unachievable. As Whiterose says "The concept of waiting bewilders me. There are always deadlines. There are always ticking clocks. That’s why you must manage your time."


You're paying for tier 3 which is described as "access to 3 episodes earlier" and you currently have access to 6 more episodes than Youtube. You keep saying you don't mean to be negative but each time it has come off as rude and you keep doing it. I understand bringing up the inconsistency issues a few times as critique but at this point maybe you should cancel your subscription as an unhappy customer.


@Batayroren, I figured it was only amount of time before someone comes along and tries to defend the scheduling, even though they have nothing themselves to do with it - so here we go I guess. Why are you talking on their behalf and recommending people cancel their subscriptions? Do you think you're actually helping them by defending them whilst at the same time trying to encourage a revenue loss for them? What a weird strategy...? Additionally, the scheduling has been a consistent back to back problem, this is legitimate feedback, and there is nothing wrong with providing criticism. Feedback in most cases is crucial for development of improvements. If other people's feedback negatively impacts you, just ignore it - don't try and encourage revenue loss as your method of spite towards others providing feedback - if anything that is you providing a negative solution to commentary that you've essentially deemed as negative. E.g, you're not helping anything.


I'm not worried about what happens to their revenue or people giving negative feedback. I was more commenting on how you keep bringing it up when you're getting more than what's advertised and you bring it up in a negative way, repeatedly. Feed back has already been delivered and you keep doing it. Do you truly think L&M are ignorant to their own inconsistent upload schedule and that this thought and issue has seriously never crossed their mind? You bringing it up over and over does nothing. You seem like a very unhappy customer. Maybe speaking with your wallet is the best bet.


Asking for a timeline / schedule for us to adhere to so we can know what to expect doesn't seem like an unreasonable request to me, highlighting the inability to do so for something so basic is the only criticism I have, the quality of their content is superb so it's not all negative.


@Batayroren Nah, I agree with dusty here. As customers of a very, very profitable business, we have a right to complain and provide feedback without immediately just cancelling our subscription. Posting a schedule is really basic stuff.


Both of you miss the part where I said "I understand bringing up the inconsistency issues a few times as critique" or that I have no issue with people leaving negative feedback? Selective reading? I'm having a conversation with Dustywood the individual who has brought this up in a passive aggressive way multiple times what they expect to happen on the 7th or 8th time they do it and at this point it seems like the next step would be to leave it alone or cancel your sub and let the money speak. Your recent comments about their schedule seem fueled by salt more than the desire to give feedback.


"brought this up in a passive aggressive way" - I would advise you to always take into consideration that the interpretation of written text is up to the reader and how they perceive it, because often the nature of one's interpretation can be different to how the one whom wrote it intended it to be perceived. In this case, I am sorry if you felt that I was being "passively aggressive", but in the same token - my interpretation of your commentary is that you're "also" being passively aggressive. However, wherever or not that's your intention, you see how words can be interpreted? In short, the request is simple, doesn't need to be over complicated and argued. Does LM need to do better with their announcements and scheduling posts considering they have an extremely thriving business here and two of them are working it? Absolutely yes, that's the feedback - everything else you're raising is just noise.


I am definitely being passive aggressive but this is also my first time bringing this up. I haven't left the same salty comment however many times now. My curiosity on your thought process of bringing this up multiple times while saying "not trying to be negative" got the best of me. As expected of this community, selective reading and not attacking my points. It's not hard to ignore the comments you're right but I did want to have a discussion and see where you went with it which was selective reading and not giving me a direct answer. How wild of me to think "Genuinely not impressed with the lack of consistency with scheduling" was not passive aggressive. Again, I have no issue with people leaving negative feedback or comments. You're welcome to reply but due to your selective reading and inability to actually answer my questions directly I'm not going to bother reading or responding.


The feedback is legitimate, Dustywood, but you are quite rude about it. Same with discussions you've had with me. You can phrase things better and give people more leeway. This is not their full-time job.


Camzeee, the "disagreement" we had in the past was you trying to advocate against having Mr. Robot in future polls because you personally did not "enjoy it", and I criticized you personally for trying to use your personal experience as a reason for everyone else to not be able to vote on Mr. Robot - because it seemed very selfish of you at the time. You deserved the criticism. (Edit: - you're also referring to an instance that occurred 6 months ago or more, get over it). Also re "this is not their full-time job" - is not a good enough reason to not post something as basic as a schedule. @Batayroren, still failing to understand what the debate is here, you keep trying to create an argument out of nothing and the reason why I didn't respond to your other "points" was because I simply did not care about them because it seemed like you were overreacting and doubling down on encouraging people to cancel their subscriptions - and in no way am I going to advocate for people to cancel their subscriptions. That feels ethically wrong to promote and encourage others to cancel their subscriptions based off wanting to provide feedback about timelines and schedules. Both of you are literally creating an argument out of nothing, and if you consider my commentary "rude" then that's simply again your interpretation. Am I an asshole? I sure am! What's your point?


Hey, is HxH today, or tomorrow?


Maybe today we get HxH and Mr. Robot. Maybe HxH comes tomorrow. Maybe full length is coming and edited the next day. Their schedule is more like a reference point. We should be used to it by this point that we get it when we get it but there is always hope they meet their goal. Hopefully they see it as a compliment that their fans are eagerly waiting for the next upload and are not stressed by it.


I never advocated not having Mr. Robot in polls. I just expressed my personal opinion and you attacked me for it. It was just an opinion, which I've since changed now that I've watched beyond season 2... I did not deserve to be treated that way by you. And yeah you're an asshole for doing that. That's it really.


you get the vibes, Slaizio. The 'will they, won't they' of LM uploads scratches my romance K-drama itch :)


Does anyone remember if the girls have given any indication as to what they might be watching next, given that TLOU and Robot are nearly finished?


@Dustywood, if your criticism is accepted Dustywood, I believe we'll just lose a show from the schedule. LM upped their releases from 5 a week to 6 a week. This was around when the schedule became more inconsistent. Incidentally, they have almost never fallen behind in the releases, just delays. Given the value of getting more content from them and that the schedule has always been just a general guideline, I think the current situation is fine.


They talked about it in the intro for Mr. Robot S4E6. The other poll options besides Mr. Robot (that won) will come back. In the last poll that was 'The Last Kingdom' and 'Black Sails'. They said those two will definitely be on the poll. They also talked about 'Severance' but wanted to wait until season two and 'Succession' but Milena does not think she will like it / react to it.


@Isaac But why? It takes minutes to make a schedule. They're making thousands off of this business. Why couldn't they just post a schedule?


Cool, thanks for letting me know! I've only seen 4 07 and 4 08 for Robot's newer reactions. I'm currently watching from 2 03 onwards to get caught up. Thanks!

Martin Nicholls

"and 'Succession' but Milena does not think she will like it / react to it" - said the same thing about Mr Robot, I 'member ;)

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

They don’t post a schedule because they would never stick to it, then they’d just have a ton more comments moaning that they’re not “sticking to the schedule.” Honestly I don’t want a firm schedule, because it might mean they decide to drop a show to try and keep to it for all the whingers. They have legitimately the best reactions and in-depth discussions, so it’s not a chore to wait a day or two to get them. My advice is learn some patience or unsubscribe until they’ve either watched a ton more eps of whichever show you’re waiting for or completely finished it, then come back and binge watch? I’ve done that with a couple other reactors


it's a hard world when you've finished both Better Call Saul *and* Mr. Robot


I'd love the idea of making some kind of essay comparing the two. Wearing a mask as a result of trauma, and becoming the mask...


I think they ruled out Succession because Lola has already seen it. Personally I'm hoping for Mad Men or The Sopranos to be on the poll, they're both masterpieces and I was really surprised to hear that they haven't seen them.

Sarah S

There needs to be more Severance reactions! I’d love to see their thoughts!