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aot 1x22 full.wmv



That was Petra's badge that Levi gave. He just pretended it was Ivan's to make the guy feel better :'-(


I appreciate the quick uploads! I really enjoy watching your reactions.


damn i never knew that JT.. thats awesome :)


He takes it before they recovered Ivan's body so it can't have been his haha


A great episode for emotions, but the next one is even better (More about tension than misery, but still). It really does a good job of tying up all the themes and ideas that were present from the first episode and turning them on their head with the role reversal with Eren now being on the receiving end, and similarly being like Erwin in the first episode where he has to turn away from the hope of the children cheering them on, realising how naive he was back then and now knowing the reality of war and how as a kid he glorified it but now sees its horrors. As others have said, the S in 'corps' is silent, but it is kind of funny because you pronounce it like 'corpse' and it's a bit of a joke since so many people in the survey corps die. Idk if I said in another comment but there are a lot of different names, scout regiment, recon corps, etc depending on the translation. If it confuses you, you can just call them the Scouts since it's the most simple one.

Rick Turpentine

Never noticed before but in Erens dream he is wearing his survey corps cloak and he doesn't hit the guy with a stick. Instead we see Mikasa watching Eren and she notices the intensity of the rage inside him. You can see the fear and worry on her face.