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HH Episode 111 Full







Good night girls, thank you very much for this episode...I'm going to watch it now. Sweet dreams and have a great week 🤗

Smash Bran'Discootch

Ging doesn't care about Gon. I legitimately don't know why you expected him to show up. How would that even male sense from a narrative perspective? What indication did we get to show that Ging is even on this continent? To have him just show up in the eleventh hour would be so cheap and unearned and it wouldn't make ANY sense. Killua's grandpa. makes sense because they're assassins for hire. But why would Ging show up?


ahahahahah that was funny. It's true that you've seen that dragon, it was during Zeno and Chrollo's battle


Understand they were just speculating since we are getting closer to the end. Ging showing up at this point would have had nothing to do with Gon, it would have to do with fighting the ants. They assumed Ging was Netero's friend which is a fair assumption because they do know of each other. What does or doesn't make sense to you may be coming from hindsight, but I believe their theories to be objectively plausible.


it's not true that Ging doesn't care about Gon (I remind you for example that he created Greed Island just to train Gon), but discussing about it would be a spoiler. Ging showing up would have made sense if he was the "old friend" Netero was talking about


It'd made sense because they don't know Ging, they only heard people talk about him, but they don't know his personality, so it's not that crazy to think he'd show up with Netero. You talking all that because you already watched the show.


In the manga, Mito-san literally says to Gon "I lied, your father didn't abandon you." while he and Killua are visiting after Heavens Arena. 2011 anime didn't put it in for whatever reason, but, Ging was only out of his life because Mito didn't trust him and his job was dangerous, so she told him never to come see Gon. Now it's been 10 years, and the best Ging can do is help Gon with Nen by leaving the box that Gon will only receive if he ends up choosing to be a Hunter too and passes the exam. I doubt he'd show up, but the idea that he doesn't care is an assumption people make after they already decide to not like him, and ignore/forget why things are the way they are.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I should clarify: The way that I speak....sucks. And I do apologize for that. I dont...uhhhh... talk to a lot of people, so they way I speak is very "Matter-of-fact" and comes off as really rude. Again, I apologize profusely for my lack of decorum. I should have said something more like, "Ging hasn't really appeared in the story recently so I don't think it would make sense for him to appear here. I don't quite understand where you're drawing your conclusions from." To everyone who rushed to correct me, you are completely correct!

Smash Bran'Discootch

So I left a couple of thoughtless, "knee-jerk" response comments and the way that they were worded was incredibly rude. I just want to take a moment to apologize for my rudeness. I was being thoughtless and kind of a jerk. Много ми је жао што сам био тако непристојан, Лола и Милена. Нисам размишљао када сам остављао своје претходне коментаре. Одвојићу више времена у будућности да покушам да будем љубазнији. Јако ми је жао.


don't worry, the thing is that Ging receives a lot of hate already...it's the first time I read in this patreon someone explaining that he didn't actually abandon Gon, usually they portray him as the worst of the worst

Smash Bran'Discootch

Ging is.....a very human character. Complete with his victories and failings, as other humans are. I can't say much more without spoiling, as you know. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to this in a way that wasn't matching my initial douchey energy. Thank you, and everyone else who responded, for keeping me honest <3

Shivering King Banana

Lola: "We don't need Ging" Lola when she hears "two men": *Completely forgets that any other man exists and gets excited to see Ging.*


bro don't worry ahahaahhahah you haven't been douchey or anything. Your comment makes totally sense and you expressed yourself politely

Smash Bran'Discootch

Thank you! I was stressing this out hard-core! Also, I just recently started tackling one piece(I noticed your profile picture)! I think the anime could use some streamlining, but it's way better than I ever thought it was! I do think the anime has some unnecessary padding, but I'm still having a great time with it! I'm up to like 730 and I've been having so much more fun with it than I'd thought I would! One Piece fans know what's up!!!!

Tyrone Tyrone

The thumbnail...😆😆


Ging is a viable guess, it would make sense. Also knowing how Ging is and his interest in otherwordly things like Chimeras, it's fair to assume he'd show up even without thinking about Gon


To clarify: Zeno is talking to *us*, the audience. We get "during that fraction of a second, Pitou could hear Netero speaking" and Netero says a whole sentence supposedly in a fraction of a second, which doesn't make sense. That's when Zeno cuts in to explain to the audience, "It really happens. Like when your life flashes before you eyes" and explains how, in combat, people can sort of intuit what the other person is thinking in the blink of an eye. Basically Zeno cuts in to explain "anime time" to us.

Nick R

I feel he could be talking to Silva, just in the context of the story, so he's not talking to nobody lol


why is everyone speculating about something so worthless lmao.