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Hey everyone, going to take some time to write a big update about Discover Our Bodies, specifically regarding one of the main systems of the game which is the cultivation of and experimentation with xenomycelial lifeforms (if you’ve played are or familiar with Discover My Body, these are the lab synthesized fungi that bring about the process of a Flowering!)

To start out with some basics, I have decided to streamline somewhat my plans regarding having a big campus to explore around in Discover Our Bodies, I feel like while I do want to divulge more about the world DMB and DOB take place in, I want to do it in a way that is true to Discover My Body’s original organizing principles, something more abstracted and reminiscent of the old computer games that inspired Discover My Body. There will be exploration and getting to know more of the world but it probably won’t take the shape of traversing up and down hallways and instead will come from systems and interactions with NPCs across these various systems.

One such system is the campus lab that is watched over by various lab attendants you can come to relate to in different ways.

The balance of introducing human characters and their perspectives with the weirdly impersonal/cold/strange world of Discover My Body is going to be interesting and maybe a challenge to get the tone just right but I think the weirdly impersonal/cold/strange world of this game and its predecessor is only that way because it is about social realities that humans are confronting and dealing with. The subject in Discover My Body, their interpretation of their transformation and physical destruction, their bliss and horror, their seeking of kinship, and their embrace of something that is very weird is as much a part of the game as looking at low resolution body horror. Plus I’ve always thought video games’ mechanization of bonds between people is really fertile ground for interesting design decisions to be made. The focus of the game is mainly still on fungi however which leads me to the XENOMYCOLOGY portion of this patreon post.

As you go about pursuing your education in metathanasia studies, you will have the chance to get hands-on experience cultivating potent fungus capable of altering both body and mind. Xenomycology takes from real world mushroom cultivation practices (inoculating a growth-friendly substance with fungus spawn!) but adds in twists you may already be familiar with if you’ve played Discover My Body (the growth friendly substance is modeled after a human being!). My idea is there will be an interplay between discovering bodies and their transformations and retrieving materials from (some) of these bodies to experiment with. Success in your studies will grant you more and more access to greater and more powerful lab equipment and resources. A Flowering body allows for a mind to connect with a group-mind, for the space between life and death to collapse, but this is only the beginning.

Thank you for indulging me in this post to discuss Discover Our Bodies for a bit! The past few days I took a bit of a respite from Resin Of Earth in order to work some on DOB but Resin Of Earth is coming soon and I’m still very excited for you all to experience it. I still stand by the claim that its the scariest thing I have made so far!

As always please let me know about any comments or questions you have, either in the comments below or via DM on patreon or on Discord.

Thanks so much for your patience with Resin Of Earth and your continued support of me and my games. I know I say this every time but it really is incredible that people like the stuff I put out enough that they support it financially. I will not let you down! Thanks again and as always

Yours In Games,




Your concepts and creativity are always such a huge inspiration to me. You’re fing amazing


thank you for sharing this made me exponentially more excited