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Hey everyone! Happy new year! I hope you all have had a good start to these year so far! I am posting to give you a heads-up about the plans for 2023. I think the big takeaway is that Discover Our Bodies will be at the forefront of everything this year, and my goal is to have it finalized in 2023. Attendant to this is the goal of streamlined Patron Exclusive games released with more faster w/ more frequency (shorter experiences like Discover My Body, The Well, Water Womb World).

Reflecting back on 2022, I put out Growing My Grandpa! which I think was a really big step forward for me as a game dev and I’m super proud of what I did and was able to deliver to you all. However I felt (and continue to feel) stressed regarding the consistency of Yames Secret Games releases. My original conceit was to have a much faster turn around times between games. Growing My Grandpa! sort of ballooned into something bigger, and while Resin Of Earth is going to be done sooner rather than later, I also feel like I am taking too much time with it! However I am pretty proud of what I have done with it so far and I think its going to be pretty cool... But anyway, this year, I am going to refocus back on releasing smaller games with more frequency. They will not be as mechanically dense as Growing My Grandpa! or Resin Of Earth but will be more straightforward narrative experiences along the lines of Discover My Body, Water Womb World, and The Well.

Streamlining development and reducing development time will free up time and cognitive load for putting Discover Our Bodies as my main project. It will also make me feel a lot better/less stressed  because I’ll be able to deliver games to you more frequently! I will probably make the games more exclusive as well, like not releasing them to the public until the end of/after 2023. I have to plan it out more and I will have a more fleshed out post/write up regarding this soon. I just wanted to let you all know, however. Please let me know what you think of my plan, if you can. I would love to hear feedback.


I will be at MAGfest starting tomorrow and will be there each day (the 5ththrough 8th) I’d love to meet you if you can make it! Find me by the big friendly WWW angel banner!

I have a feeling 2023 is going to be a good year and I hope you all feel this way too! I hope I’ve gotten across in this post how much your patronage means to me and how much I appreciate your continued encouragement, input, and support. I wish you all the best in 2023.

Yours In Games,




Always happy to hear an update from you and yes please do what works best for you! Being a one man developer is a lot of work for sure. And also happy new year!


Happy New Year, Yames! Good things take time and at least from my perspective, I'd rather wait longer and know that you didn't throw your back out & could deliver something you're proud of than getting one game after the other just for quantities' sake. Especially given your transparency on your schedules, postponements and updates, there is no need to rush because you communicate regularly and so we always know what's in store for us. Keep on keeping on!