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Hi! So excited to tell you about what I have been doing in regard to Discover Our Bodies! I’m very excited to dive back into the game and I’m happy I’ve spent a little time letting the ideas ive come up with cultivate and grow more realized. The game as I have it planned will be bigger in scope than the game I had planned before, but also weirder and dirtier than what I had planned before, and by being weirder and dirtier, more true to the original Discover My Body game I made around 2 years ago.

The structure of the game is something I am still nailing down the specifics of but I am thinking it will have some sort of time management or life simulation type mechanics where you have a goal to accomplish within a certain time limit. Say for the first month of the game you will prepare to be tested on a PTB Flowering procedure at the end of the month. The weeks beforehand you are provided with tasks to perform on simulated subjects (consciousness-free, vat-grown humanoids) so you can gain the skills you need in a pass/fail assignment (you can attempt it as many times as you like)

Speaking of simulated assignments, here is one of the before mentioned vat-grown humanoids in the sight of the neutron coronal scanner:

I am slowly building out the main processes of the neutron coronal scanner but I will take you through what I have developed so far.

The EEG readout is based off of a real-world process of averaging wave types present in the voltages of Electroencephalogram electrodes

For the purposes of clarity and so I don’t get too bogged down in detail I wanted a way for the player to summarize at a glance brain-related biofeedback. Say if your subject is entering into a partially flowered state but can’t yet notice the intermingling of their thoughts with the rhizomatic groupmind, you might look at the EEG readout and corroborate their concern by noticing that the gamma band of the EEG is not dominant as it should be during this point of the process of PTB Flowering, so you ought to speak with the subject to ask more about what they are feeling, as well as inspect the PTB injection site to see if you can help move along the process.

Regarding speaking to the subject, you may notice the vat-grown humanoid’s face in the top left. There will methods to interact with a subject who is capable of speaking in order to get their feedback on the procedure. You will also need to deploy several therapeutic strategies (visualization, hypnosis, guided meditation) in order to get your subject into the right mindset and headspace to have a successful procedure.

I think the division between the simulated procedures and the graded procedures is a good way to have the game be free form and exploratory (you are not limited to just your pass/fail task in the simulated procedures!) but also still include narrative intrigue and story, as the graded procedures will be more structured, but still capable of multiple outcomes depending on how you deal with your subject.

Exploring, by the way, can be done also through searching around on the frequencies of the neutron coronal scanner. You have your standard topical, nervous, and skeletal layers just as you did in Discover My Body, however depending on what comes up during a procedure you may want to explore around and see what other hidden away nooks and crannies of the body you can discover.

The exam room is where you will probably spend the most time, however there is a whole campus to explore and different activities to undertake, many of which will assist you in your body discovering. One thing I have planned is some sort of xenomycology lab where you might use bioreactors to cultivate different fungal spores that do terrible and weird things.

Anyway, my fingers hurt from writing and coding! I’ll say a little bit more before I sign off here though:

In order to keep myself somewhat focused I’ve adopted a model of working where I do one week of DOB and then one week of any other projects I’ve got going on. It has proved to be a pretty good strategy for me so far as I feel like its important to keep things varied in order to overcome potential burnout, but its also important to keep your head in the space of a project so you can remain focused on what you have to accomplish and make meaningful progress towards that thing.

So, next week I will have more to show of Ruins Of The Human Temple. I will try to make another post between then about the next Yames Secret Games though, I know I said that last time, sorry! But I have not time yet to put together those gifs and screen caps.

Anyway, I hope all this looks exciting to you, it certainly is to me, and it is really good to be back in the Discover Our Bodies saddle. Hope you all are staying safe and doing well. Thanks so much for your continued support it really means so much to me and is just really unreal so many people believe in my work. It blows my mind!  Ok then as always,

Yours In Games,




THIS IS SO EXCITING!! I love the concepts youre working with, "consciousness free, vat-grown humanoids" is gonna be stuck in my head for a while. I really love the visual and gameplay youve described this kind of methodical approach using medical equipment and programs. So so keen for this!!!


This is looking simply amazing!!!!!! I also love the idea of more freeform exploring + the use of the instruments to figure out what's going on and what you should be doing, that particular thing with the EEG readout sounds cool as hell!!!!!! I'm really really excited for this!!!!!!!!!! :>


Being a nerd I am so excited that you’re leaning more into the scientific approach to this gameplay! Can’t wait to see it