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Hey! So somehow my latest itch.io update I broke the OST downloads for you all. In order to remedy this, attached to this post is a .zip with the OST + album artwork. Please let me know if this does not work for you!

Also! I just wanted to layout a short-term roadmap for the next few weeks: I’m going to be working on Ruins Of The Human Temple mostly with some occasional Discover Our Bodies work too.

There are a couple of graphical tweaks I wanted to make to Ruins Of The Human Temple just to make it a bit more atmospheric and I also wanted to rework some of project’s code organization just so it isn’t such a pain to work with (I have learned a lot about programming/organization/project structure between the time I started ROTHT and now!) however my main priority will be wrapping it up in order to put Discover Our Bodies as the main focus, along with smaller Yames’ Secret Games entires now and then. Family Vacation I will also want to wrap up as well in the future.

(wow! a few new graphics!)

I am going to write a more longterm roadmap soon as well. I feel like the old one I posted is sort of out of date at this point and a little confusing, all things considered.

Lastly, I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback about Growing My Grandpa! and I’m super happy everyone has gotten to play the game, I am super grateful for your continued support and it felt so good to finally deliver another game to you all. I promise I will do my best to make the next game just as good if not better, and to continue working hard on your behalf.

As always, please feel free to message me here or on Discord if you have any questions/comments/concerns.

Yours In Games,



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