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Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well and having nice holidays and (soon to be) new years. I have just been polishing up Family Vacation, fixing up bugs which has been exhausting, but it comes with the game development territory. I have had time to work on some art and improve the item display screen a little bit. The first .gif is of one of the first pick-ups in the game and I really like how the little breathing loop came out so I wanted to post it! The entity depicted in the window is pretty important to the plot (or lore?) and drives a lot of the actions of the player/protagonist.

The second gif is part of one of the main tabs I am adding to the game which basically is like a progress tracker. The progress towards the end of the game (or one of the ends anyway) will be reflected by the cross-sections of human heads on the right hand side. The flashing concentric circles also reflect this goal and outline what goal to accomplish next. What is the strange diagram the circles are flashing around? It’s called a genogram, which is a way to convey a family and its relationship and history. The shapes of the genogram represent different positions and destinies of the particular family, and learning these will guide you through the game.

I’m really excited to have this all done and ready for you to play. It’s been really interesting developing this game because it is a LOT more complex than anything I’ve done before. Even when I did point and click adventure type stuff, it was pretty simply done and restrained by a lot of what I knew about making (barely) functional scripting. I’m also excited to have this done so I can shift my focus towards Discover Our Bodies and the rest of the anthology games. As much as I like the concept and style of Family Vacation, I am hungry for some new stuff to work on.

Again I hope you are all well. If I don’t post again before the end of the 31st, I hope you all have a great new year too.




So is the salamander man supposed to be what humans in your world have both evolved from and will eventually evolve into?


Sort of! You're definitely on the right track.