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Ok, so since this is the much bigger poster it gets the much bigger lore additions. 


Edgt is a world of 'want' made manifest. While its got billions of denizens on and inside of it, all that want that is given off by the many many people who are stuck on the world builds up and up, and then the world itself adopts that feeling of 'want' and has a sort of sentience because of it. The world 'wants' and then it 'gets' things that fill that sense of want. The world itself of Edgt can't create anything. Want magick can't create anything original, only take from other places. Its through this process that Edgt got its 'Goddess' of want. 

There is a Goddess who overlooks Edgt from an ephemeral home that in the original RPG maker version/timeline of Cat/Suit (the ending of which you'll see at the end of the first act in the Unity version of the game) met with the original Stray and co as they were on the cusp of getting Stray her weapon. Unfortunately, it was then that Stray, Ash and everyone learned the goddess at the heart of the world is essentially devoid of all original thought. A creature of divine nature that, like everything else on Edgt, was stolen from somewhere else. The original Stray fails to convince the Goddess of anything, and in a sudden confrontation with the Worry Wolf himself, too much raw 'Want' is injected into the Goddess and the world collapses. 

In the Unity Build, Ash will soon meet with O.G. and be given her weapon, able to learn to harness her own innate want, and to make Stray truly her own, instead of the borrowed Edgling that protects the Unity version of Ash, taken from 


Haily's love and want for Ash

So much more, and I'll be putting up new Patreon bonuses later tonight! 

Thank you so much for your patience with the switch over guys, this is going to be one heck of an amazing game!



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