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So as many of you know, these last few months have not been easy on me. I really want to apologize for my mind going haywire on me, and slowing things down. There are some things I just can't stop from happening, and if you've ever dealt with crippling depression then you understand when I say that I really had to push to get through to the other side of this last bout, and it was not an easy journey. There's no fixing a brain sabotaging itself, there's just surviving the carnage to one's psyche when it comes.

BUT. For every dusk there is a dawn, every darkness a light at the end. I realized after I began to change Cat/Suit to be what I thought others wanted me to make it that I should at least let you all know what I want to make of it. 

So HERE'S SOME LORE! Its a bit/alot spoilery, so just beware!


This character is named "O.G.", and she's instrumental in Ash getting her Scythe in the story. No, Ash doesn't start the story with the Scythe, she acquires it. 

I always knew there would be the RPG maker Cat/Suit, and the Unity (or for a while I considered Gamemaker's engine) Cat/Suit. I mean, I said as much from the outset that would be the case,  but still. Felt like repeating it. Thing is, with me that opened up a narrative idea for really out there narrative constructs, and I LOVE really out there narrative constructs. What if there weren't just two different games, but two different TIMELINES? 

Cat/Suit is meant to be heavily inspired by classic JRPGs. Particularly Xenogears, Chrono Trigger and Terranigma. So from the outset of the development, there have always been in my mind multiple iterations of the world of Edgt. Each one plays out just a smidge differently than the last, and each one is influenced by the last one that existed. Edgt is meant to be a trash heap world, where things that are abandoned end up. It just so happens that previous incarnations of Edgt are abandoned beneath the latest Edgt. 

In the Unity build of Cat/Suit, the Stray we play as is the main protagonist, BUT unlike the RPG maker Stray who never managed to get her weapon, the Unity Stray gets her Scythe early on by a mysterious black catsuited woman with a crow mask attached over her already rubber hood and cloak. It also just so happens that 'Crow' in the Unity game is, before the game really even begins, dead, which has big implications for the story and world. Makes ya think there's even more going on, huh? Huuuuuuuuuuuh?!

Ok, enough lore bits! I feel like I love my game and its world again though! Yaaaaaaay!




Ohhh a xenogears reference! *cue screen shattering effects* But seriously I loved that game’s writing, and really excited to see more of the story of your game too!