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  • Catchup_Feb2024.mp4



Hey all! You might notice the new girl on our catch up banner (also you can find her vid attached). I have been spending the first few days of the month trying out dynamic hair simulation and a process of doing final renders in Blender. The above... is not that.

At this stage I feel it's not ready for 'prime time', as the results were a bit choppy (not overly surprising given my lack of experience in the technique). I'll post those results in the next few days as a behind the scenes so you can get a sense of how it looks.

This month we've got the dramatic conclusion to Water Weight, along with a new standalone expansion animation. More details on that to come, but in the meantime enjoy the mountainous selection of boobs below!


Link to latest Content Catch Up post here!

CHECK OUT COLLECTIONS: You can also search by collection. Here are a couple of popular ones: Cursed // The Pill game builds or animations (including the endings) // Standalone BE Animations // Comics // Change Deck // SuperSized // Resize Rivalry



Deandre Day

I love the new top you made. Any chance lady grove might be wearing it in the future?

Lady Grove

That's a great idea! I shall put a wardrobe change for me onto his to do list 🥰

Halo Exe

Is there a reason passwords aren't on posts?

Lady Grove

Passwords are included in posts where they are required to access content.


Hey I love the new banner girl . Where can I find her video?


The downloadable mp4 is attached to this post. If you're on PC it's a bit small when the post is fully expanded, but it's just before the 'tags' section.