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Greetings all! It is with great pleasure that I am able to bring yet another poll to your attention (what can I say, it's easier than making decisions on our own).

Long time observers may recall that many years ago before 3D was easily available to the masses I started this whole shebang hand drawing the big titties. A full archive of that early art can be found at our public website but I think we can all agree that things have progressed significantly since then.

Yet hidden in those archives are some pieces I still consider funny or charming and feel they deserve to see the light of day in animated 3D form! So while I'm still working away on the primary reward for the month, have a look at these classics and decide which one you'd like to see... in the THIRD DIMENSION!



Hope Thy Self wins!


Is it bad that I kinda miss the 2D stuff? They had a style of their own that I still like


Jade would be good for A Growing Problem I reckon

Mookie Johnson

I hope we see them all eventually. This is a really tough decision


They’re all great but A Growing Problem seems to include some height which is my favorite🥰


Also Airball would be really great.


Not bad at all and I appreciate the compliment thankyou, its been a long time since I have hand drawn anything. Perhaps if I get some downtime I will try my hand at it again.


If people enjoy the series I may bring it back again in the future. Its fun to go WAY back to the very, very early stuff and give it a reboot.


I admit I am often glad that I can't vote in these polls, I don't make them easy.

Deandre Day

They’re all great but A Growing Problem seems to be the one that needs the most attention considering that it's only in black and white but Monkeying Around was a close first choice.


Why isn't there an option for 'All of the Above'????


You're not wrong, and many seem to agree with you. Ironically being the least polished gives it the most opportunity.


Ah, if I could trap time in a bottle, I would use it to make all the boobies enlarge... but alas.


Looks like there is a winner. Maybe have a vote on the character to use also?

Lady Grove

Here we were thinking people might be getting over polls for this month 😁 Its not a bad idea for future versions of this poll, but for this month BE Grove has found a model that looks close to his original drawing (or at least how he saw her in his head at the time) and production is well underway.


the Air-ball would be also a good material next time :)