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The poll is closed and the results are in - and you fine denizens have decided that in this case, Trish wore it better! And so she stands content, towering over her rival enjoying her victory.

Thanks to everyone for voting - this GTS Resize Rivalry may be over, but we've got others yet to come! If there's a specific rivalry you want to see let us know in the comments, but the next one incoming early next month will be... "Boobs Too Big to Stand!"




That’s unfortunate, when is my girl Luca gonna get the attention she deserves?


I will admit, Trish did wear it better, but I just wanted more Luca.

Lady Grove

We don't make it easy with these polls - Trish certainly wore it better but that is partly because she had a makeover recently. Luca needs some love to get her own makeover!

Deandre Day

Luca VS Bell for Boobs Too Big to Stand!

Lady Grove

I don't know that Luca's ego could take competing against Belle again so soon, we need to give her a chance to win 😊


I'm not surprised since i do agree she wore it better. Though perhaps a bit unfair since she got an update not long ago. But i was still rooting for Luca since i do like her more.

Florence Erlenmeyer

Luca has to win something. No idea when tho because putting her up against Trish and Belle is just unsporting every time, I don't get it, either, she's just patently better then them. /j.


"now, suck the tiddy"


I am definitely sensing there's a demand for Luca to get an update. 🤔


We shall come up with a sporting competition for Luca soon - not sure how but I am determined.


A belly or inflation rivalry would be awesome!


Now do even bigger :3


Tara from Darted and Jade from Giantess please


Maybe something like a sumo wrestling battle but with growth happening at the same time as trying to push each other out the circle? Also congrats Trish! 😎

Norman William Fawns II

Belle needs a muscle growth option she's the only one without it. It could be multi staged like Luca's and go bigger than Trish you know cause of that Belle ego :)


Hmmmm we might need to take that one outside, its so hard to find good tradespeople and noone wants to live with a hole in their roof long term.


Darted is a deep cut but its a good choice to be revisited. Added them to the list.