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Hi all, and welcome to June! You might notice there are a few minor changes around here, the biggest one is that I have revised my reward tiers, combining the $5 and $10 tiers into a single $6 tier.

The reason for this is twofold - one is to simplify the process - if you sign up for the $6 tier you get everything on Patreon. No fine print required. The second reason is to help in making the Patreon more manageable for me long term. Less admin and less exclusive content mean I have a better chance of keeping up with posting while I have to do other contracts.

Finally a big thanks to everyone who has stuck around since the extended hiatus begun. I'll begin posting regularly again next week but until then please ensure you modify your pledge to reflect the new tier.

Catch ya around!




haHA! you can't trick me into lowering my pledge! its going to stay at 10 because I like the flat 10 better.


Glad to have you back