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Howdy hey everyone! Long time no post. Hope that everything has been going well in my months of absence. 

As the title suggests, I have some good news and bad news - the good first: my wife and I are currently expecting our first child about halfway through this year!

We're both incredibly excited, however it does lead to the bad news - while I am planning to have some time off working later this year, to do that I have to keep working full time until then.

As such I'm not going to be able to resume The Grove Patreon in February as I originally planned. I will be returning instead during my time off starting in June.

If that bums a few of you out, know that I am just as bummed. I love making comics & BE stuff but know better than to be working 12 hour days and expecting that I can produce anything here that I'd be proud of.

As always thanks for your patience - the not charging existing Patrons will continue till the end of May and I look forward to seeing you all then!



It’s been a while, if you don’t mind me asking for a minor update on your status?


Heya Peewee250, basic status update I've finished my standard work and am now looking after my newborn. Is good times that would be made all the sweeter if it actually involved some sleep. For Patreon I'm on track to return in June and resume the joyous work of enbiggening boobs. I appreciate the patience and hope all is well with you fine folks too!