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Hey hey Patrons! 

The gang is back and we are as off-kilter as the Roy siblings are in this episode! 

Did the filmmakers and showrunners want basically their own mini-version of Uncut Gems cause everyone is off and it is STRESSING US OUT! 

We absolutely gasp at Kendall's mini Gonna Fire All The Women In My Company Combo-breaker he starts to pump out! 

And somehow, someway Kendall eeks out a massive win from the clutches of Cringe (Although we might turn into fossils in the process)! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


Got lots more coming this week! Thank you so so so much again for your support! 

What do you think is in store!? This rosy Life Plus can't last that long right? 


The Watchers in the Bar 



Grand Moff Slackin'

The word on the street is that each episode this season is 1 day. So it’s been three days since Logan died.

Saynt Michael

Kendall started his keynote with "It's been a rough couple of days". This is definitely still the week of Logan's death


THAT IS SO DAMN SILLY OF THEM! Why wouldn't they push the launch? cuase DRAMA that's why but you feel me? Like wouldn't the Norway trip alone push that timeline?