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Hey hey Patrons! 

The Game is EFFIN' ON now you guys! 

And did we just get pilled? Are we gonna start watching for Q drops?

It's hard in 2022 to not see some of the real-world parallels of this storyline and how it MAYBE manifested itself in the geo-political sphere! 

Truly fascinating, as is "L", this mysterious new super-detective that is about to become the foil to Light! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We got a lot of fun stuff dropping v v soon! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




Its insane how on point the writer was in predicting and describing online culture a bit. I forgot how topical this was lol


I knew you guys would hate Lights' guts already ahahahah-- so excited to see the rest of this!


When I first watched this anime I thought the death note would slowly corrupt Light but my man went mask off immediately in like half an episode.