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Hope you're all enjoying the first few weeks of 2023!

Before we start this poll, let us reassure you that we're doing JUST FINE!  

Those of you who were here throughout the early days of the pandemic in 2020 got to watch a real-time snapshot of our mental health via our reactions, and ya know what? We're STILL HERE AND BETTER THAN EVER!

So what the hell is this poll for the first episode of our 2023 season of BVE....let us tell ya!

BVE is our patreon exclusive podcast and reaction series wherein we pit an episode of Batman The Animated Series (or sometimes New Adventures of Batman etc.) against another animated series of your choosing.

Each month we come up with a theme and for this month the them is SEASONAL DEPRESSION.

The poll this month is a little different. Morgan came up with the idea of picking some of the most famously depressing cartoon episodes she could find so the choices below are not only for a specific show, but also a specific episode, so make sure to do a bit of research before submitting your pick!

This one is sure to be.....interesting.

1. Rugrats "Mothers Day"

2. Alvin and the Chipmunks "Cookie Chomper" (google the plot)

3. Bojack Horseman "Time's Arrow"

4. Hey Arnold "Helga on the couch"

5. Samurai Jack "Tale of X-49"

6. Moral Oral "Alone" (an episode so depressing they canceled the show)

7. South Park "You're Getting Old"



Thanks for the re-votes everyone!