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Sup Jerk Benders! 

Well hot shit we are here! A really captivating, emotional, and SUPER BRAVE for the ERA-ending to Korra and the last of the ATLA media that we'll have until we get the Netflix Live Action Show in 2023 and the first Avatar Studios feature in 2025! 

These showdowns feel a lot more personal than the big MechFight of the last episode and we're loving it! 

Do the spirits actually wanna take out the entirety of Republic City with this huge Lazer!? 

And end with essentially all but confirming out KorSami Ship and we wring that out for all of the lascivious material you could think of! 

**** HEADS UP*** Sorry for the delay on this, we've been tirelessly trying to recover the corrupted audio file on Sean's mic but to no avail, so we've sweetened up his audio as best we good! So sorry for the delay!! 

It is hard to put into words how special this series and world and you guys have been to us and we can't be more thankful for you guys sticking with us! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


Again, we love yall more than Ang loves Appa and we hope you stick with us for the next chapter and for coverage of the live action Netflix show (fingers crossed!) and all that comes after! 


Sean, Dustin and Morgan 




I don’t ship Korrasami because I only care about one half of the couple: Korra.

Adam Vialpando

I like Korrasami. Immediately after the episode aired one of the creators released I think a tweet basically confirming that yes, Korra and Asami are about to get romantic. I remember an interview where the creators were talking about getting Korra and Asami together. They liked the chemistry both had with each other but as you would expect there was an unspoken understanding that that kind of female relationship just wouldn't fly at the kid-oriented Nickelodeon. But when they were starting to plan Book 3 they basically srealized "Wait Nick never actually said we couldn't". So in Book 3 they startded laying the foundation. Given how terrible the romance was in Books 1 & 2 and the lack of romantic chemistry between Korra and Mako they seem to have focused on developing the regular relationship of the girls first and show their chemistry. And it worked imo, since with Mako and Korra I couldn't believe they got together whereas with Korra and Asami I couldn't believe they WOULDN'T get together. I wish they gave it more screentime in Book 4 but with the season already being too short they couldn't afford to take too much away from the main story and themes. Overall they did a good job all things considered, it helps that both are freaking amazing together.


well here we are, a long time since yall started covering ATLA, and yeah I know we have that live action show coming up in a couple of months now and the future movies but for now, i'm just glad yall are caught up with AND stuck with Avatar. Thank you Sean and drases for your work, happy holidays!


And on the topic of korrasami, yeah it was a different time for sure, this finale was aired in december 2014 and even thought that was only 8 years ago, the field for representation on tv was completely different. And Korra was really one of the first big shows to go there, even now most shows that do dare to do gay characters and the like usually save that for secondary or even tertiary characters. And here we have Korra, in 2014 making THE Main character queer, even with the little bit of censorship that was huge. You should check for some reaction videos and articles that came out at the time, it really was somethin else https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_I4UZuALp4 https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2014/12/korra-series-finale-recap-gay-asami

Andrew W

As others have mentioned, this series took Korra/Asami as a romantic relationship far as Nickelodeon would let them back in 2014. When they continued the story in a comic book line published by Dark Horse, I believe the first issue picks up right after the last shot of the series as they portal into the Spirit World, and one of the first things that happens is Korra and Asami full-on kiss. Nicely removing any ambiguity about what they were going for with that end of the series (as if there was any legitimate room to misinterpret them holding both hands and staring into each other's eyes as a love them plays in the soundtrack). I really enjoy The Legend of Korra overall. Season 2 is kind of a hot mess - regressing Korra's character growth and rehashing the Korra/Mako/Asami love-triangle - but despite that, I loved it as a show. I honestly like Korra as a main character more than I like Aang, and I think Season 3 is every bit as strong as the best A;TLA seasons. Ranking them overall, I think A:TLA is the stronger show, but there are definitely elements of Korra that stand out on the same level - both are awesome parts of the universe they've created. This has been a great reaction series!

Adam Vialpando

Agreed. i grew up with ATLA and so I was kind of already subtly disliking LoK without having ever seen it. Finally saw it a few years ago and cannot believe how dumb I was not to give it a chance while it was still airing. It has problems sure but the storytelling is fantastic, the characters are well-written and easy to like without being flawless, and it keeps the spirit of ATLA while being it's own show with it's own identity. There are some parts of ATLA I prefer over LoK but there is also parts of LoK I prefer over ATLA. My personal ranking of the seasons is 3, 4, 1, and finally 2. But even book 2 with all it's flaws still has amazing moments and I don't regret watching it. It's saying something when the worst season of a show still has value in it. Plus book 2 gave us Varrick. And what would this show be without him and Zhu Li doing their things?


also, comics have plenty of kisses, flirting, tenderness, even implied sex between the two.

Abra Kadabra

Ah that's the moment I've been waiting for haha. It was a wild time. Shipped korrasami since book 2, started as a joke because I knew it would never happen, but got more and more serious. I remember watching this at like 2am on my tiny ass iphone screen freaking out and crying. One of the funnest and craziest nights I've ever had on the internet. Tumblr was WILD after this. I stayed up all night on a high, just basking in the pure jubilee. Ah, my unemployed days...


actually, the kyoshi/zuko/Korra thing has been debunked as false news. The first movie will be Aangs group grown up into adulthood. Whether than means we'll still get Kyoshi and Korra after, I'm not sure, because it turned out that leak was false so who knows really what part of it was maybe real.

Tim Chaos

thanks for sharing that compilation!! such a delightful watch XD

Tim Chaos

I've always loved the literal bisexual lighting during the Korrasami scene :D

rickie woodson

any news on when (or if) you guys are doing season 5 of cobra kai?