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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back with Rings of Power and we're getting deeper into this mythology and the endgame is becoming clearer! 

Still, Elrond and Durin remain goated and the table bit is one of the best moments of this season so far! 

The Stranger's gangly ass is learning words and is NOT SURE if he's a force for good or ill, just like us! 

And WHEN OH WHEN are we going get a look at the Mithril Mine that unleashes the Balrog! 

Also, Galadriel's face has officially become camp to us at this point, and it's all the better for it! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We got Korra tomorrow, with some Andor and the next Rings of Power on Saturday! Plus, Prey MMM and a new Shitty Movie Night! Plus voting on an OVERDUE BVE! 

A lot of stuff! Thanks again for your patience! 


The Watchers in the Bar




Believe it or not, Tolkien nerds are aggressively arguing over the origin of Mythril, since this not part of ANY of Ronald Tolkien’s writings. Also, the best line in the episode: “Give me the meat and give it to me raw”- Durin to Elrond.