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Hey hey Patrons! 

By the grace of Chobb we are back with this straight-up exhilarating episode of Andor! 

We're digging this Tinker, Twi'lek, Soldier, Spy element of the story and after two episodes of buildup, we get a really good, tense, and action-heavy episode! 

Bix's boy toy bites it and she has to look into his dead eyes all damn day and it's a tough one! 

We're digging the very heavy anti-colonial elements of Lt. Shapiro and all this droogs are feeling overwhelmed! 

And this square-off with Stellan Skarsgard is just sublime! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We can't thank yall even enough for coming on to our Patreon! It's what keeps us being able to make content and we're having a blast rocking this show! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




I am loving this show so far but it's Star Wars so I am trying to keep my expectations low so they dont hurt me like they have in the past.

Aidan Pullen

I'm a star wars fan and I'M LOVING THIS SHOW. I'm so goddamn happy with this. It's the best Star Wars since Rogue One, and it might just be better. I really liked the Mandalorian S1 and S2 - but the tone and writing of Andor is just on another level by comparison to most anything that's come out in the last 20 years. (before people get mad at me, yes the latter half of TCW is great - but it's an animated kid's show so not the same).

Aidan Pullen

I think Luthen carries that "walking stick" just for style. He looked rad - made me want one.

Dennis Ramirez

my favorite thing about all this so far is that Cassian has reasons to dislike the Empire AND the Republic at this stage, given his past. Obviously, we know where he ends up by Rogue One, but i hope they continue that thread in the upcoming episodes

Andrew W

I think this is on track to become my favorite Star Wars show by a fair margin. I love how well it's setting its own tone, feel, and pacing. That face-to-face Diago Luna and Papa Scarsgard (sp?) conversation; the rising and rising and *rising* tension with the banging message ringing through the streets; the cops gunning down Timmy the Snitch; Mama Petunia's monologue; the chaos in the streets with the focus on the shell-shocked nebbish proto-fascist; the long, intercutting outro with no dialogue -- they all felt so refreshingly different than what I've seen in any Star Wars project before, including even Rogue One. But I think part of that comes from being a dedicated Star Wars fan, where there's no way I'm not watching any live action show they put out all the way through. I can kind of understand where someone who's a more casual fan (not meant in a derogatory way, just different levels of interest in shows about space wizards with laser swords) might find it not what they'd want in a Star Wars show. "Brand identity" is a thing for a reason, so I don't really blame someone coming into a Star Wars show with some expectations in terms of the overall feel. I guess same can be said about She Hulk, which I'm also enjoying a lot so far - I don't really blame someone if they got a bit of whiplash getting a case-of-the-week workplace comedy when they clicked on the latest Marvel show. What I I don't get is how some people are actively hating on it (or She-Hulk). These shows are *very* upfront about what they are in the first episode or two, so if that's not your taste when you go looking to watch Star Wars or Marvel (despite their quality and how deftly they are doing their own thing), you've got only yourself to blame if you keep going back to it to not enjoy week after week. I probably wouldn't be satisfied if I clicked on something with Nightmare on Elm Street in its name, and I got a rom-com or if something called Pirates of the Caribbean was essentially Black Sails 2. But then I would Just. Stop. Watching. And be glad that it's out there for people who are loving it if it clicks for them.


Well said Andrew, specifically about people wanting to hammer their Star Wars or Marvel Circles into Squares and the live and let live approach to this stuff.