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Hey hey Patrons! 

Back with another Attack on Titan episode and the fucking badass/stressful/insane episode death march is upon us yall! 

The game of chess lined with corpses that's being played by Erwin and Zeke the War Chief finally comes to a close and it shaves about 2 years off our lives. 

The Beyblade is fucking back in the biggest way. 

And HOLY FUCK Armin breaks us and we're brought to near tears!


Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We got some more stuff dropping over the weekend so keep your eyes peeled and have a lovely weekend yall! We're gonna need some time to process this. 


The Watchers in the Bar 




Am I so early that the HD version on youtube is still processing?


I feel like I’ve been with this channel for so long. Can’t believe we’re finally getting here! It’s been a great ride guys!


damn those subtitles give it away so soon lol


Damn near every reactor i've watched has been wishy washy on who they want the juice to be used on there's a couple that are firm in their resolve until ep 18 but either way their crying regardless

Raymond Terry

It was back to back devastating adaptations in the anime. It hit me much harder than the rendition in the manga.


god im literally so excited for the next set of eps, u guys don't understand.


Can’t wait to get to the attic!

Raymond Terry

The post-episode discussion is very good. Minds are going to be blown in 2 episodes.

april 🍏

Armin is one of my top three (along with Jean and Erwin) so this episode and the last had me in a emotional wreck


Ahhh!!!! This episode was an emotional Rollercoaster!!!! 🥲😱😢

vinny cucinello

One of the best episodes of this serie , for sure.