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Sup Jerks! 

We're back with a STRAIGHT UP AMAZING episode front to back of The Legend of Korra! 

A lot of shows usually will save a lot of crazy stuff for the pen-ultimate and this one is no damn different! 

Do we sorta love the couple that Zaheer and P'li have? Kinda sorta! 

Should we have been calling her Third-Eye Blind the whole time? Absolutely! 

We also talk about an Applebee's Country Song that makes Sean want to vomit for like 2 minutes and it's pretty funny! 


This is one of the best episodes of the whole series by far! 

Follow this password-protected link to hang! 


Password: ItsFreedomTime

Thanks again for your patience! Seems to be back about 90% with a lil' cough sorta hanging around but doing way better! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




also, is not so much that Zaheer doesn't care about his cause anymore its more like he left go of Personal attachment. Like a buddhist monk and such. If he didnt care he wouldnt still try to complete the plan and kill Korra. He basically just let go of his personal emotion into it. It's complicated, I do think Avatar does it better that Star Wars tbh.

Azana Reed

As y'all are reaching season 4 I would like to remind y'all for the almost last time to turn OFF the CC for season 4 episode 2 cause they contain major spoilers

Richard McClure

If you listen to what he says he has been chanting what would happen to him the entire season since episode one “let go you earthly tether enter the void and become wind”girl was the earthly tether now my boy is staring into the void and became wind so nothing has changed for him it’s mission as usual if not more so determined to finish his mission


speaking of Chibi stuff, I recommend eventually watching Made in Abyss, its a really interesting anime

Lorenzo Baxter

Zaheer still cares about his mission and still loves P'li. Others have explained it but a comparison is in ATLA. Aang was also training to let go of his attachments, aka Katara. It didn't mean he couldn't love her. It means he is letting go. Not being so attached that they matter more than anything. Thats what Zaheer did. He still loves P'li but he is severing his attachment to her for the mission. Like finding the perfect middle spot between emotions. He cares but at a distance. Like the Jedi, but honestly handled better 👌 Flight is the final Airbending sub ability. It requires this perfect inner peace of entering the Void. Only Zaheer and Guru Laghima have ever done it.


get well soon bro


Fun fact the last 2 seasons were online only as nickelodeon wouldn't allow the show to air on tv


If you're looking for a deadlier story in the avatar universe, I can't recommend the kyoshi novels enough. They're pretty quick reads and because they happen before the shows, you can read them at any point!


Morgan's little sex jokes kill me, everytime. Those are half the reason I watch you guys, no one else ever says what Morgan is thinking!

Jenny D

It doesn’t look like they watch with subtitles, or at least they didn’t in this one.

Jenny D

Most of season 3 aired on TV. It was one of the episodes around the Earth Queen’s murder—either 10 itself or 9 or 11–that the show went online only. They talked about it in the end discussion, but they had some info wrong, like the air date (the series ended in 2014) and the reason it went online. Nick wasn’t pushing for streaming cuz their website wasn’t really a streaming service, it was just like any other cable channel’s website. Most people think the show went online only for a different incorrect reason, but I distinctly recall the actual reason being the on screen murder of the Earth Queen.

Jenny D

Their Kuvira prediction though. Talk about third eye open!

Briana J

these deaths were pretty gruesome tbh

rickie woodson

no attachments is buddhist shit and im here for it. the goal of life is to end reincarnation and that happens via enlightenment. to reach true enlightenment you must severe all ties to the physical world aka the illusion. as a person who lives in the spiritual that is my goal. the only REAL attachment i have is to my brother and i'm on the path of letting him go