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Howdy friends!

Spoiler Alert: We're going to be taking the "show" on the road, and making an appearance at PopCon Indy as featured guests June 3-5 2022.  It's been a while since we made new merch so figured we'd ask you lovely folks what you'd like to see us have available at the con and online.

These are some of the ideas we've had; designs are still in the works.



Shot glass. I dont live anywhere close to Chicago but i can simulate drinking at the Burlington with that lol. Oh and good luck with the show guys!

Aidan Pullen

Damn now I'm wishing I lived in Indiana! That's a first, and probably a last lol. Would love a shot glass and a t shirt

Sam Coleman

VHS of Sean’s movie?


I will 100% buy a shot glass if you all sell one




In case you couldn't tell....this poll was hijacked by Dustin. Sean would never publicize his own movie like this but he totally SHOULD because it's excellent and more people should see it.


Haha that’s hilarious 😂 put you on the spot