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Hey hey Patrons! 

Most of us are back for another reaction to Moon Knight and this show continues to be super fun! 

We we say most, it's because the Queen of Watchers in the Bar, Morgan done got herself the 'Rona and is in day 4 or so of Quarantine so she was not able to join us for this weeks episode! 

Again, this will affect a few things like our BVE podcast which was already delayed due to Sean's father's passing, so we apologize but will get back on track with that starting next week! 

But it's Boys Night....er morning with Moon Knight and we're digging this show's vibe! 

Should Steven have hid the scarab in his butt? Sean definitely seems to think so. 

Is a bevy of child murder worth a really good bowl of lentil soup..... still up for debate with Dustin. 

And the fellas are excited when Marc basically tricks Steven in becoming THE MAN IN THE MIRROR, and we get to rock some self-destructive 90s Action hero hijinx in Egypt! 

Follow the exclusive link to hang! 


Again, we're sorry for any delays, but this is the big advantage to shooting ahead by a lot, that AOT, Korra and Cobra Kai will be un-impeded in their release but PRL, BVE  and some others will be. 

Morgan would fucking kill me if she knew I was doing this but, she's missing a ton of work at her bar so if anyone wants to toss our queen a tip and lift her spirits you can Venmo her @Morgan-Drase ! She's our star but in times like this can feel a bit down, a lil' tip or even a message or tweet on her socials would really brighten her lil' quarantine stay right now!

On a personal note, you guys were beyond gracious and lovely during the period when I was laying my Pops to rest and it truly meant the damn world. Easily one of the hardest things I'll ever do (and am still doing) but you guys were a lil beacon of light and graciousness and it truly means the world. 

We love you guys all so so much and are thankful that you wanna take this weird lil' ride with us! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




Hope ya get better soon Morg! Sending her my well wishes guys, ive had the rona, its rough but you'll get through it. Dont mind if she wants to take a break from things either tbh it would be totally understandable.


Also as for this show, i liked this episode a lot more and i totally agree with u sean, hope it keeps this solo, away from the MCU vibe too. We dont need every show to be cameo central. Were gonna get enough of that from Kenobi in may lol.

Dennis Ramirez

if you guys dig the directing style of this episode, check out anything by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorehead (who directed this and one of the upcoming episodes). They do a lot of horror stuff, usually with trippy mindscrew elements (Resolution or The Endless), but my favorite of theirs is Spring, which is a rare romantic horror film, basically Before Sunrise meets H.P. Lovecraft

Dennis Ramirez

i also 1000% agree on this show not needing to be explicitly connected to the rest of the MCU. it's enough to know that whatever wild shit might be happening, somewhere in the world, much like our real world, Oscar Issac is out being a total babe and maybe also fighting Egyptian demons


Hope you get better soon, Morgan!

Aidan Pullen

I wanna know the context for that photo / outfit so bad XD

rickie woodson

what is PRL? Pretty Real Liars??????? i seriously dont know