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Hi guys! Ket here. I just wanted to mention that I will be attending two conventions in the USA this month: ACFI in San Antonio, Texas and BLFC in Reno, Nevada.

At ACFI, there will be an Oh So Hero booth in the Dealer's Den. Our Business Manager, Mr. Mouse (a bunny), will be operating the shop where we will be selling some items designed by fellow artist, ZiRan! This is sort of a trial run, so if all goes well, you'll hear more about this later~

At BLFC, I will be part of the group giving a presentation at the Dragons After Dark panel. Actual content is to be determined. I will be presenting whatever is most new!


We recently added 4 new animations to our Dev Preview #24. If you haven't taken a look, please do so! I messed up the submission initially, but all 10 animations should be there!

Also, there was a problem with the "Oh So Extra Art" Dropbox links for some of our old art packs. These have been fixed, and you can find them here (NSFW).

That's all! Cheers~ =}