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Hey everyone,

...thank you again so much for supporting Space Rescue!

Thanks to you, I can keep adding content to the game. And so every day Space Rescue gets one step closer to be being finished :)  But how far along is the project excactly you might wonder?

Well, let’s have a look-  here is a status update on the development!

The original plan

So my goal was always to make a story driven adventure-game, consisting out of  ten sub-stories and a bigger plot.  And each story would then be about a girl who eventually falls for our hero. I also wanted the stories to at least include one mini-game and two unique sex scenes.

And altogether I hoped to make a game that would offer about 8-12 hours of unique gameplay.

Now while I was developing the game I always stayed pretty close to my origional intentions :) But some details have changed of course - as you probably can see in my old sketches.


The stories

So looking at the stories is probably the best way to estimate how far done the game is.

Now at the moment these stories are (almost) complete:

1. 'Miss HOLO', about Lune the ships shuttle pilot.

2. 'The plant that needs love' about Sophie, the ships biogardner.

3. 'Alien Origins' about Lorza, the ships masseusse.

4. 'A Spa day' about Mindy & Sandy, who are guests abourd the ship.

5. 'Trading Parts' about Valerie & Yi-jie, mechanics who recycle space junk.

6. 'Bodyscans' about the doctor.

7. 'Tangled Up' about Rosa.

8. 'Keep it up' about a wrestle team.

Then there are 3 stories for which I already made quite a few preperations:

9. 'The Astronaut in Pink' about the girl from the intro.

10. 'Secrets in the Dark' about a secret in the lower decks of the Green Beetle.

11. 'Above and Beyond' about a bored biker-girl.

And finally there are 3 more stories that I want to add, but which I haven’t really worked  on yet:

12. 'A heart of Metal' about making a droid.

13. 'Future Visions' about a traveling fortune-teller.

14. 'Destination Unknown' about the captain.

Now looking at the list of stories- I would say that Space Rescue is now about 70 % done :)

So how long will it take me to make the remaining stories? Well, that’s always hard to say. But developing these stories should be much easier then making the first few.

And that’s becuase:

  • Most stories will take place against backgrounds that are already drawn.
  • Most mini-games have already been designed & drawn.
  • These days I can hire the occasional help, which speeds things up a lot.

By now there is already a lot done- phew!

Other game features

So making those stories will probably be the bulk of the remaining work. But besides that there are a few more things I want to add as well.

  • A sex-scene replay menu
  • A minigame replay menu
  • sex-scene controls:
    -- to freely switch between various animations/endings of a scene.
  • A scrapbook menu, which acts as an:
    -- integrated help-system
    -- progress tracker.
    -- pin-up collection place (detailed illustrations as a bonus to completing stories).
  • Achievements
  • And a better working main menu to acommodate these features.

And of course:

  • Voices for the characters.
  • Many more enviormental sounds.
  • More music tracks, or even  custom made music for the game.
  • And translations to other languages.

And as you see below; some features that are planned are already in game, although still hidden.

Polishing the game

Once all content is in the game, the final step would be to polish the game.

Over time you all gave me dozens of suggestions for the game & most of them sounded really good. So I wrote them down & now got a ten-page long fix list :)   But besides just fixing things, I’d also love to add more detail to the game, like:

  • adding extra frames to the older animations
  • making all doors go open before you enter.
  • Adding footstep sounds when you walk from room to room.

You know... things like that.

Releasing the game

Well, and after the game is complete & polished- I will of course officially release it.

  • Maybe I can do an official release party somewhere :)
  • Make a website for the finished game.
  • And then I should probably promote the game a bit, contact gaming websites, etc.

Making the extra’s

And then after the game is really out there,  I’d like to make some extra’s as well :)

  • Like some real promo-illustrations for like on a poster, or a (fake) gamebox.
  • Perhaps some 3D printable figures of the main characters.
  • Lenticulair and anaglyph postcards of the main characters.
  • A big poster of  the ship-map, where you can scratch away the rooms you unlocked.
  • An artbook, showing how the game was made.


Next update

And there you have it- these are the steps I need to take to really complete the game! But... for now I’ll first wrap up Lorza her story. which will be part of the game-release of this month.


And then during November, I’ll be taking a short break to go on vacation :) It’s my first break since the start of the project, so I’m kinda looking foreward to that!  Now during this time month I won’t be online of course, so I will pause my Patreon then. And this means you won’t be charged for the month November- even though you can still acces everything as usual.

Well, if you have any questions about that- or the game’s roadmap to completion, then let me know :)

All the best!




I don't want to seem like I'm pushing you to handle things a certain way. I'm sure you know better. Plenty of times people rush the voice acting when it should be one of the absolute last things you do. You obviously want the dialogue to be perfect before getting to it. I think voices for all the main plot lines could help the game a whole lot. Many people don't like to read. Voice acting is very rare for small games. Japanese Eroge is always voice acted for a reason. It helps appeal to a broader demographic. I think it's very important if you can afford it. I'd buy an artbook if you make one. I can't speak for anyone else, but I would buy one.


This all sounds awesome, can't wait! Enjoy the well deserved break this November.


Hey H.B.! I think you're absolutely right, voice acting is at the very bottom of my to-do list :) Dialogs still keep changing with every update, so there is indeed no point in doing the voices right now. But as mentioned in another reply of mine; I do like the idea of having voices, because I enjoyed them in classic games like Monekey Island. So I'll do my best to get those in- and if it turns out to be too expensive, I probably try some AI generated voices, or maybe I just ask some friends...ahem :) - And I'm glad you look foreward to the artbook. I actually made several artbooks before, and it's always fun to do! And it's a nice way to summerize how the game was made as well :) All the best -Robin