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Hey everyone!

This week I've been working again on the 'Solar Queen' mini-game. I made a lot of art for the game itself, as well as a new location from where you can start the game.  

The location you see here is placed around the corner from Lune's room. Currently this is just a hallway - but at some point in the game Keen will put the arcade cabinet there.

Well,  and here you can see how I drew this location :)

And then there is the minigame itself.

It actually has quite a few moving parts, so therefore I made some gifs to show you how those parts work. I hope you like it!

Now the goal of this game is simple: deflect all incomming sunbeams & protect the earth from vaporising.  And here is an example of how you do that. 

Now, the beams get shot all over the screen, so you need to move around to catch them all.

Miss a beam, and one of the three ozone layers will vaporise.

Lose 3 ozone layers and the earth won't be protected from the sun anaymore- an then it's  game over.  So, try to avoid that :)  

Well, it won't be an easy game. But you can try and deflect a beam towards the occasional ice comet that passes by, to get a bonus. Like this super shield- and yes, that means you start out with that tiny shield :)

Phew, and that's about all the art for this game again.

Currenntly I'm getting some help from Morgan again who codes this game; so perhaps I can already add it to the next game update ? That would be cool, for I'd love to hear how you think it plays!  

And that's probably it for a while regarding the mini-game preperations. First I'll dive back into the story of Hank and Rosa, and will probably start making an XXX scene for them :)

Well, till next time again,

All the best!





Well, the connection makes a lot of sense actually -Lune's parents were spacetruckers (as she mentions in the opening scene). And I took lune as a base when setting up this character (which I did long ago). So in that regard it could certainlty be her mom :) But... that's not what it is. I actually just added this character here to balance the scene/composition. It's not a final design & still needs some serious attention. But nevertheless, well spotted! :D


Oh, I deserve no praise, Robin. I had forgotten about Lune's parents being space truckers (I retain a lot about Space Rescue and its story, but didn't remember that bit), so I can claim no prizes for my idea! :-) Be well!