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Well hello! 

And thank you so much for supporting Space Rescue! :) 

Now you just signed up, but what's next?

Well, as my Patron you will get direct access to my development process and the latest version of the game.

Now  everything I share, will be done so as blog-posts on my Patreon page. I usually make about 4 posts a month, where I try to go in depth about the game content I made that week. And once in a while I do a post  called 'new game release', which talks about the release and gives you the download links for the game.

Well, and then there are all the 'older posts'. Now to navigate through those, I highly  recommend using the 'tags' at the top of my Patreon-page. This will organize the posts per subject.  For example, here I clicked on the 'game-release' tag, which leads to a convenient overview of all game-releases I ever did.  

Well, hope that gets you started!

And of course I really hope you will enjoy the game & my  posts here on Patreon :)

I'm also open to questions, feedback & suggestions; and I'd love to hear what you think of the game!  You can always send me a personal message, or leave your thoughts on discord;   https://discord.gg/PFvtf4M

Well, enjoy the game & see you around!

All the best,


Added: 2023-01