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What's new?

  • New Maps:  Clickable maps are now present in all the main areas for navigation. A character face will show up in a map area if they are there to interact with.
  • New Content: This release focuses mainly on content and triggered events at home. You can also see additional content on your home computer.
  • Statuses and Skills: Skills and Stats are going to continue to be balanced over the next few releases.  These will be important for combat and to trigger additional content. Currently you can see status at your computer at home, and some of this functionality will be integrated into your watch to check on things as you're on the go. In the future the static pictures will be converted in to gif/webm animations that better depict the ally or villain affection and corruption.

Outstanding/Known Issues

Images: Still reworking Circe's images. Additional missing images will be included with the next update.

Triggered Events: Visiting Allison at night and then going to bed may not make the next day's events trigger. Also watching videos on the computer until the next day and not going to bed will have the same effect. 

Next update will focus on JLA and add more to the backstory of how the hero obtained the powers. This last month focused more on redoing large parts of the code and working on the combat. We'll put that mostly on hold for two weeks and get more story built out. Looking to have another Patreon update the week of Nov 18th and will try to do releases in 2-3 week iterations through the holidays.

Thanks again for everyone's support.



for the lin's shop and error Error: cannot execute widget <>: unable to parse macro argument "">> ": unterminated double quoted string


when picking dont peek it takes up and hour for not peeking ^^