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Wanted to check in with a quick update of where we're currently at.  The focus this week has been on animations and graphics for the JLA as well as some graphics for the first transformation for the beta route. 


Combat is going to be somewhat similar to how it was in the RPGMV version. You'll start out with some intro perverted moves, or you can just fight using your brawl skill.  Your shield skill will sponge damage, and mind control will have various effects as you level it.

Opponents clothes will take damage, although due to the time it takes to render animations, there will only be two initial states for your opponents, clothed and topless.

Barring any major bugs, we'll be on track to release an alpha to the Sentinel Tier in another week. 

Current Bugs

Also we're fixing the bugs we saw reported in the comments and will try to push out fixes to the web version in the upcoming week.

Upcoming Content

As previously mentioned, combat for the Arena should be in for BG and WW with the combat as it is now being totally rewritten. More of the story will be fleshed out around why the player is helping Circe. Initial transformation scenes will be written and quest for the player to hunt down the origins of the eldritch energy will start.

If we have time, we really want to squeeze in the Zatanna quest. We've updated her mesh and textures so she'll have a bit of a different look now. 

Thank you for all your support!


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