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I finally decided on the next story that will be the focus now that Resuce Party is coming to an end (there are a few more images in that sequence coming up). 

The first 2 images of this were already posted before, here I made some refinements and in the end I prefer this design. Here's also my attempt at starting some lore and world building (I'm not a gifted writer so bear with me here). 

Hunter: Lena, specialised in short range combat.  

Weapon of choice: Automatic shotgun, more effective against larger creatures, especially up close. Secondary weapons include 9mm and knife, just in case. 

Travels the wasteland in an armored rover. She likes being all nice and comfortable in between all the killing. It's also a great way to carry all your gear and the spoils during extended patrols.  

Monster: Giant Slug (Large)


  • Acid spit: The slug vomits corrosive slime over a short distance, ensnaring uncooperative prey and dissolving any inorganic materials such as rocks, concrete, armor plating and skintight bodysuits.
  • Strangle: Using tendrils portruding from its mouth, it restrains its prey, further subdues it if necessary and brings it into its mouth for consumption. 
  • Burrow: In order to escape from predators, it can conceal itself underground.

Hunting strategy: The slug travels on a layer of slime, which remains adhesive for long periods of time. Periodically the slug doubles back, devouring anything dumb enough to get trapped in its slime trail. The slime's consistency changes from a viscous fluid to tough rubber as it dries over the course of days.  

The giant slug benefits from certain complex molecules it can't synthesize itself, such as adrenaline and oxytocin, allowing it to grow larger, stronger, faster and improves fertility. When a suitable source is found, it can opt for assimilation, rather than just eating and digesting. For that it has a secondary stomach that functions as a sort of battery farm where suitable victims can be kept alive for long periods of time. 

Weakness (besides getting shot, stabbed or blown up): Slugs are slow and simple creatures, and so have trouble with more agile predators and prey. As long as you keep your distance, you should be fine.  


I hope you enjoy this start. I'm working on a few other things besides this, including one of the endings of Rescue Party. I will keep you updated.





Just a thought but could there be a Brunette called Kim x


I'll vouch for Kim to be the brunette rescuer's name too. I did notice that you do look a lot like her as well


That's very good! It's a lot cleaner with the composition too.


Don't know about that hair. It has a very 'mom' look about it.


Ey, you got my discord if you ever need writing help


Combat rule number 1 (applies to every movie and comic): After you've fired an entire magazine into an enemy and you're not sure you've finished him off: never reload and just blast a second magazine into the motherfucker, no, you walk up to him so that the superior range of your (now unloaded) weapon doesn't give you any advantage and nudge the thing with your foot without at least smearing lube down your crack.


Yeah I will be bothering you from time to time with that. Writing is not my thing but I do see the benefits of adding lore like this.


Could be foreshadowing of what she'll be in the near future :p Or it could be that I just like the haircut/


No, the hair is perfect! It accentuates her pretty, youthful face, and is both professional and practical for fieldwork. Although I imagine that when the action heats up, it'll inevitably slip out of it's knot. I also love the contrast between Lena's black hair/bodysuit and pale skin. Snow White, almost :-D


The bodysuit may be my most favourite of all the outfits. But as much as I love it, it'll be even more interesting to see what happens when the acid spit comes into play. Even if it's rated as a light armor, I doubt it'll stand much chance against corrosive liqiuds... I'm quite interested in seeing the process of the suits destruction, actually, and what body parts it'll reveal first... ;-P

James Gavin

I've been looking forward to seeing this one continued - that bodysuit is awesome (and I can't wait to see it come apart).


Hopefully we'll see a bit of pained discomfort from the copulation and birthing, since her getting impregnated/implanted with the slug's offspring isn't something her body was naturally made to do.


Well, it would be a bit of a stretch, carrying a litter of large offspring . But Lena is a strong, healthy woman with the perfect anatomy for childbearing, so I believe she can take it. Plus, the baby slugs I imagine would be squishy enough to make the birth process a lot less painful... maybe even pleasurable


New member here. I really enjoy these adventures in a world full of strange creatures. Are there other bios or profiles on the other characters? I'm curious about the back story behind this strange world and the characters in it.


Absolutely love this. Definitely hope we get to see some more... intense carnal horror with this beastie.


Is Lena allowed a manservant on long hunting expeditions? I'd enjoy preparing meals for her and tending to her every need between each hunt.