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Here an update to the rescue party story. The works are in the attached archive, I hope you enjoy. I am planning a few additional variants, I've heard some interesting suggestions in the past week but for now wanted to focus on story progression.

This story will be coming to an end soon. I have planned one or two more parts to the main storyline, although I am not sure yet if these will be posted in the next updates or if I want to introduce a new character and story first and then come back to these two.

Edit: It seems like the archive does not work for everyone.  So here's a MEGA link with the whole rescue party story so far, with all variants and everything. If it doesn't work, let me know.

Rescue Party 




Poor girls. Spiders just tripled their birthrate.


I'd love to see the recent slug one to be continued. Barring that the creatures with the black sticky goo was a favorite of mine too.


Excellent series! I love how this has turned out and you've done a good job with their heavily pregnant appearance. I'm looking forward to seeing future series with a different variety of monsters. Webbing is fun, but a creature that drags a victim into a pond of ooze and submerges her would be interesting to see.

Matt (not that one)

Excellent work as always, and a couple of slightly new camera angles as well! This run of images maintains the bleaker tone the story has turned to, but maybe all hope is not yet lost for our heroines? (That was nice of the spiders to at least open the webbing over Sam's eyes. Also, in some of the other images, the cave seems to go further underground; any chance we'll see what might lie in wait down there?)


So nice to have a happy ending, for the spider's at least. Meanwhile these ladies will have to spend the rest of there days being breeding stock. I'm sure that in time they'll find it hard to not enjoy being impregnated by them. Regardless, you've created another lovely set of images. It's nice to see the first girls face again, her broken acceptance is mesmerizing. The final image with all these ladies knocked up is simply beautiful. Can't wait to see what you do next. Whether it's a contiuation of this or something new I'm sure we'll all be happy.


Awesome work! Good to see them impregnated with a new generation of spiders.

Stick Haul

can you post as an imagine instead of a .rar folder


amazing set.


any possibility of jpeg for us who arent very computer literate?


Maybe the girls get dragged down a series of twisting, labyrinthian tunnels, like half a mile, to a small antechamber? There, they could be bound in a circle on the floor, with their legs open and birthing canals all pointed towards a central divit where all the newborn spiders fall into and are cared for by the workers. This maximises the efficiency of the breeding process, and ensures that escape is virtually IMPOSSIBLE :-p


HOLY CRAP... I seriously thought they would actually reach the knife and make it out... then the cruel twist that the spiders are a lot smarter than they thought... followed by separating the two for better positioning... and finally that last panel. Just... those ripe bellies... Well done, ZG, well done!

Matt (not that one)

I do like the implication that these spiders are more clever/cunning than you'd expect from one of this planet's weird creatures. Maybe it's the human DNA they've added to their genome.

Matt (not that one)

Actually I was hoping for something even worse than the spiders. What that would be, I have no idea.

Matt (not that one)

Y'know, I've been doing some thinking, and I'm not sure I like these spiders anymore. Oh, I'm not talking about the art; the artwork is terrific as usual. In fact, every new piece from zG seems to improve in quality, especially in these sequential stories. The expressions on the women's faces communicate their emotions so clearly, all without a single line of "spoken" dialogue; it really draws in the viewer's compassion for their plight. Their figures are quite lovely as well, considering how many positions they end up getting contorted into. What I mean by "I don't like the spiders" is that the spiders are just awful now. I mean, I get it: you need to propagate your species. But do you have to be so mean about it? Taking advantage of your guests when they're bound together in a maybe-not-wanted-but-still-very-hot embrace is one thing, but gagging them so they can't speak? Pulling them apart so they can't even touch each other for comfort? And then taking the webbing off of poor Sam's eyes might seem like a kindness on the surface, but it kinda seems like they did it just so they could make her watch. That's just cruel, man. These spiders are real jerks. (Seriously, zG, your art is improving with every piece and it's a thrill to see more of it. Bravo! ...This might also be a good time to cut away to someone else's story, if that's your intention. The last images are a pretty solid cliffhanger.)


IMO I think the tone was perfect for the canon: cruel, but not too bleak. The girls failed in their escape attempt, and the spiders punished them dearly for it. But, more importantly, they are still alive, they can still communicate and see each other, and they even look like they are beginning to enjoy their new life! I'm happy about this ending and wouldn't mind a hiatus to see new things like bodysuit girl. The only thing I would really like to see in the future is maybe the spiders re-aligning Sam with the other two girls, so they can share a few meaningful looks at each other?


I know! Seeing one ripe, pregnant belly is great, but seeing THREE in a row, all the same size... you know that it really is a HIVE...


love the update you art work is getting better i can't wait to see what you put next.


If I have notice anything about ZG's content is that he creates every panel and asks himself "does this make sense for the story I am telling?". The two girls were bound together because of circumstance. The brunette has fought back twice now over the panels and she has been sedated twice now by my counting. They have now been bound more tightly to prevent this again, separated for reproduction efficiency and simply because they need room to "grow". Exposing the eyes was more likely an artistic choice given the positive feedback of viewers enjoying being able to see them. Lips bound to prevent communication or calling for help. I believe you are trying to apply "cruelty" to a species that is has no concept or lacks the ability to conceptualize it. Insects work efficiently and don't care about emotions.


I was sort of thinking a setup where the girls become the hive's unofficial Queens, sort of similar to the Xenomorph queens in Aliens. Over time they could develop Stockholme syndrome and thier relationship with the spiders could even become symbiotic: the spiders provide them with food and protection (which is why they would be so far deep underground), while the girls contribute to the growth of the hive and even willingly sympathise with thier species' repopulation! Just a concept, but everyone's ideas are valid.


I agree Chem321, although i meant 'cruel' in a narrative sense not the spiders' moral compass (or lack-therof). Of coarse the spiders would be as efficient as possible in establishing thier new hive; ensuring that they have room to gestate and so on. I was actually surprised that the two rescuers where separated, as I assumed (and hoped) that thier bellies would grow and squish against each other, with the two girls even feeling the movement of each others' spawn against each other!


If you could post the images it would be great. My apple product apparently has an issue with giant spiders.


Such a plentiful harvest for the spiders


I don't know how you do it, every post seems to be better than the last. Can't wait to see the next part, whenever it comes I'm sure it will be a triumph


Smart spiders ensuring a good ending.

James Gavin

Love these latest images - although I did enjoy the naked hug and was a little disappointed to see the rescuers separated. But that's a small niggle in an otherwise fantastic series!


Your art is stunning, 10/10


Funny you should mention that. Last year I was working on one with a type of plant that does just that. I was 5 pages in before I dropped it because I did not like the look of the girl. Wonder if I should finish it .

Matt (not that one)

Well it did look like their arms were just at their sides, so maybe they're close enough to hold hands. (Also I'm just kidding around about the spiders' intentions. There's no "joke" tag in the comments here. :D )


Yeah that was a difficult decision, to split them up or not. I sketched both options out and in the end I just liked the look of all 3 on their back side by side better

Matt (not that one)

The art still looks great, no problems with that! You've done an excellent job showing us the ladies' desperation and despair. And it does make more logical sense to have them posed like that. To me, it seems like kind of a sudden decision by the spiders to reposition them, but then we really don't know how long the three of them have been in the cave or how long the whole gestation cycle is. (I assume you're keeping that intentionally vague to preserve the sense of mystery and danger.) Looking forward to your next pieces, of course!


Yes, I definitely think that would be a good thing to see in the future.


Sorry I only just now see your comment. I added a MEGA link in the post, does that work for you?


Would love to see a belly xray


Love it all :) im out of place but what do you think of redheads :3 ?

Dan G.

Loving the series so far and will be sad to see it end. If you do decide to do some more I'd love to see the next girl actually get bitten and injected with paralyzing venom, just to add another layer to the helplessness while she is cocooned and impregnated.


I think a redhead would look great in a cocoon or in a puddle of inescapable slime:p. Yeah none of my characters have been redheads so far, that could change


Could you put the version of p21.jpg without the spiders crawling out of the nest insert?


Here is my take on X-ray vision using p21.jpg as the base model https://we.tl/t-z7EPlhWvpC The link will expire in 7 days. I'm quite sure zeroGravitas can do it much better with his exceptional talent and source material.


I just had a look and I have to say that looks way better than I was expecting. It's on my todo list.


By the way, have you decided if the spider implant the eggs and use humans for incubation or if they actually also borrow human genetic material? I.e. use human egg cells for gestation. Biologically the first variant makes more sense and is present in nature in certain insect species. However, it seems that spiders release semen rather than eggs (unless eggs are really tiny) The second variant allows bizarre human spider hybrids to produced. Think what works better for your world narrative.


Few things I noticed through the art, the first girl dosn’t show any signs weight loss in spite of fact of this multiple pregnancies and lack of mobility. Another thing what are spiders actually eating? They don’t bring any animals to their nest. Do they eat outside and use the human girls for reproduction? Also are the spiders male or female or perhaps both? The spiders copulate with girls mouths as well are we going to see spider Yanglings coming from girls mouths too?


If you push realism too far, you'll eventually end up with poo and pee of girls who've been wearing a woven suit for days or even weeks. You don't want that, please trust me. Meanwhile: https://youtu.be/g9xykxMduq0


I am not keen on the mouth thing, it would be a huge turn off for me


Your work is just beautiful, as someone who loves the eroticism of helplessness and peril i am transfixed by your work... I love the forced impregnation thing as well.. The idea that they/ i ( I place myself into the peril) am trapped with no escape i find so erotic and as you are using a brunette like myself it is even more sensual and easy for me to put myself into the scene... Dont get too bogged down by the techy details to my mind the spiders would use the hosts egg to produce a larva (i mean why waste what is already there x ok i am rambling now but keep on doing what you are doing :) (P.S. its not any that i would want real life just a weird fantasy turn on)..... Replying to Snake because i cant seem to find a means of messaging direct

Matt (not that one)

Maybe that's what's further down the cave: the spiders' food source (and what they're feeding their captives) could be some kind of underground fungus with a lot of protein and vitamins in it. (It'd be really funny if, after all this aggressive behavior, the spiders turn out to be vegetarian.)


I am very keen on the mouth thing, I would absolutely love to see some oral birthing


Great idea Ghost, having the girls full of spider eggs rather than live young! It adds to the biological realism that you described and the exotic imagery of the parasitic spiders taking advantage of the girls' reproductive organs to use them as convenient incubators for thier eggs. I imagine that when the eggs hatch en-masse it induces labour, too.


This is just a head-canon, but I like to imagine that there is a time-skip of several months between parts 20-21, on account of the gestation period. I know zG likes to keep things vague and open to interpretation, but I quite like the idea that the embryos take time to develop and the girls have to experience every second of thier long, grueling pregnancy. And insta-births are too anticlimatic and unrealistic anyway. Thoughts?


The next story is going to be the one with the slug, yes. I'm working out the details at the moment, before I start drawing


My fantasy world is exactly that, just fantasy nothing to do with real life... Sorry replying to your message because i don't see how else to


Yeah exactly, that's why these creatures encase their victims in inescapable cocoons or slime, it takes at least a few weeks or months for the babies to mature and you can't have your incubators running off. But none of that real life stuff here. The medical complications from being in the same position for a long time, like these girls will be, are not pretty. So none of that.


Of coarse zG, I wasn't implying any of the squicky, realistic stuff, that would ruin the mood of the series! I meant 'realistic' in that I like to think the gestation takes a few weeks or months, rather than a few hours or even seconds like in other works I've seen elsewhere. The babies need time to grow, and the mothers need time to adapt to thier growing broods. So yeah, I hope that clears that up!


Hi Kimm-i, did I say something? If I said anything it was only sarcasm/dirty talk, I wasn't implying anything irl.


I thought you sent me a message, it came through via emal anyway... I just a little nervy if people think it has anything to do with R/L i am not offended :)


Huh, that's weird, I didn't send any message via email, as I don't have your email address. It was probably a scam then. It is pretty cool though that you can imagine yourself being in that scenario! ;-)

Matt (not that one)

It could also be something like the xenomorphs, where they have their own embryos but they "borrow" DNA from the hosts, and that affects their final forms when they emerge. In Alien and Aliens, the facehuggers implanted the embryos in human hosts, so those xenos were all humanoid in shape; but in Alien 3, the host was a dog, so the resulting xeno was a fast-sprinting quadruped. Borrowed genetic diversity (in the case of the spiders, seemingly resulting in higher brain function and planning skills).


At least i'd enjoy if they did manage to escape while still carrying the growing embryos in them but they are debilitated and the spiders can just round them up and drag them back. That sweet taste of hope being robbed away before they're dragged back to their "home".


I agree with you, just expected her to be a bit more worn out from being an incubator for a while. I honestly would like to see the close-up of the birthing process and impregnation as well.


I'm not sure I can draw the spider young realistically enough; I'm not an artist, I just know a few things about image manipulation. But yes, I was going with the idea that spiders implant victims with eggs like parasitic wasps. As for the alien concept, the current style implies that spiders use any mammals for reproduction rather than we are dealing with any human-alien spider hybrids. The biology between insectoids and mammals is too different to work anyway. Insect ribosomes transcribe human DNA, but ribosomes are highly conserved anyway; even bacteria can transcribe human DNA recombinant insulin, and other proteins are made this way with the bacteria. I would love to see them mature spiders to develop chemiluminescence green or blue that would make an interesting lighting effect within the scene. Perhaps a concept for new work, the girl's bellies could glow in the dark with all the eggs/larvae.


Spiders seem to take good care of them :) Perhaps even changing their positions to prevent pressure ulcers. Or perhaps girls are injected with some factor that increases their regenerative capacities such as in the TV show Fortitude, where a somewhat similar concept was explored.


Could you upload the work in progress sketches? It would be interesting for the audience. Especially cut content.


And another one to pass the time: https://youtu.be/bqK91bYd-PY


That's one thing I like about the original Pest Control, from page 16 or so onward, the girl looks like a redhead.


That would be cool! Perhaps a night shot of the girls and spiders sleeping peacefully in the nest, but the whole cave is illuminated by the green glow of the dozens or so eggs crammed inside the girls' bellies, casting shadows on thier fecund bodies. It could give the sense that the girls have lost track of how long thier pregnancies have lasted, or when they will give birth, and highlights thier helplessness that even when asleep, thier broods continue to grow and become more active...


I’m not sure chemiluminescence would work with existing canon. But as variation of the current story or perhaps part of another monster story I would love to see that.


Mmm, maybe. I tend to think from a narrative perspective, where both science-fiction and realism exist in a story but are rather low-key, to preserve the tone and continuity.


Is there a Discord channel to go with this Patreon? That might make discussion easier and would also enable pic/story sharing.


That, or maybe blonde girl decides she's enjoying this and wriggles to push brunette girl just out of range of reaching it. Or the spider who is enjoying the blonde girl causes her to panic or squirm at just the wrong moment, with the same effect.


Yeah, I would like to discuss our favourite parts of zGs works in detail, though only in text/image sharing.


I made RyanC a discord. I could help you with yours if you like. MuthSera on deviantart, but we've already talked, hehe.


Thanks for the offer, I already had help and now just need to finalise some minimal details like what kind of icon to use etc.


Yep, just let us know how to get to you when you're ready!


My own strange take on your wonderful artwork... https://www.patreon.com/user?u=71923107


The link only directs to your Patreon account Kimm-i. Was it supposed to link to an image?


Yes... i am not sure what i am doing wrong, i will have to check it later


If not they are here https://filebin.net/127jf1o3vyw9antt


My browser keeps blocking the page for that other link, cause it says it's an unsecure website. Sorry.


I've noticed that in each new panel, the walls of the cave keep getting progressively smothered in more and more spider webs. Just as a thought, for the last few parts of the canon series, it would be a great sendoff if the girls ended up being merged completely into the wall webbing of the cave! Thier entire head, arms, legs, shoulders, and hips could end up encased within the wall, with only thier faces, breasts, and bloated bellies sticking out of the thick webbing, and a tiny divet near thier sex for impregnation and birthing. The idea is similar to Aliens, in that it would completely eliminate any chance of escape and make thier roles as part of the nest PERMANENT. I also love the visual of the girls' heavily pregnant bellies looking like eggsacs sticking out of the wall, since that is what they technically are now. ;-D


For the next (and last part for now) they will end up deeper in the cave, wrapped up a bit more secure. It's one of the things I am working on at the moment, will finish that this weekend. I wonder if I can incorporate your idea somehow, I like it.


Yeah, thanks, I knew you would like it! It's such a vulnerable, expressive pose, and there are very similar artworks floating about on DA, such as this one, which I think is one of the best representations of what I'm visualising (although hopefully far less gory than what it implies) https://www.deviantart.com/zero-thl/art/Commission-The-new-Queen-Iris-876185376


Yep, that works. Not bad, but I'm not as much of a fan of the realistic look. But thats just me. The slug is a welcome surprise, though!

Matt (not that one)

Late, weird observation on this sequence: Between Sam and the brunette rescuer, you continue to draw the sexiest Achilles tendons on the internet. Just something I noticed.


I am rather glad you changed your wording from "Pornstar look" i have to say i felt rather offended...

Double X Studios

I hope to see alternate endings for this adventure as well 😁


Yeah, sorry, I shouldn't have been too mean and critical :-(. We all have our different tastes, and there is no reason for us to judge each other for it... (except for the really messed-up stuff).


Oh... FUCK I honestly didn't realize that was actually you, I'm so sorry! I really mangled my words and delivery; 'Pornstar' was obviously the wrong one to use, which is why I came back to 'realistic'. What I meant to say is I simply prefer the more cartoonish facial designs. It was wrong of me to judge.

Matt (not that one)

Whatever you end up doing, I hope it doesn't obscure too much of the ladies' figures. I assume that's what we're all here for? ;D

Matt (not that one)

Yeah, some partial-webbing variants like in part 18 would be very welcome (and of course, an ending where our heroines escape, of course...)


Well, I imagine that once their arms, legs and back are secure to the wall, the spiders may open up the cocoons and expose their naked front, for better access. Especially their pregnant bellies :-)