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Biolab 10-12: The slime mold vein on the ceiling was growing too thicc to hold itself up. Seriously, Ellen (see below) could have been standing anywhere but just had to pick that specific spot.


A bit of a lore dump to go with this week's update.

We are following the day to day activities of an offworld branch of the Department of Wildlife Management (logo above): an Earth government organization that studies local wildlife, does wildlife conservation and population management, and protects colonies from potentially dangerous forms of wildlife.

Scientific and support personnel are civilians. Military personnel required for security and field work come from the system's local garrison. They are basically park rangers with big guns.

The oganization also employs outside contractors for field work, people like Jasmine and Lena. Jasmine we will see again soon, Lena is still very much missing.

The 2 soldiers are part of a standard 3 person team, similar to Sarah's team in Actual Rescue Party (with Martha and Iris as engineer).

  • Jane Demeter, brunette, sergeant, squad leader. Rank is indicated by the 2 gold bars.

  • Ellen Hunt, blonde, specialist, cannon fodder. Rank indicated by 1 gold bar.

  • Third member, specialist, combat engineer, not part of this story. As with all field operators with special skills (engineers, medical personnel, science), on base duties involve more useful tasks; engineers can be assigned to maintenance for example. Troops without technical skills like the other two get assigned to guard duty, inventory management and other menial tasks.

I will need a better way to organize this. Maybe a google doc, if people have better ideas, do tell. For now this will be posted here only, like this.


Links are here.



Stanley Richmond

Reviewing the previous images, I finally noticed that half of the security cameras in the lab are out of commission (head of security can be seen chewing out the guy in the chair). What are the chances this means that the slime mold will have even more uninterrupted time with its victims? Empirical evidence says 100%.

Phoenix Lennard

gotta love dumb girls who are bad at their job and are only here to be prey~


Though it's probably too late, I would have loved to have the slime on the ceiling lift her up instead of falling onto her.


That could have been interesting yes and I was considering that too, before. These are always difficult choices to make.


Is Liz, the main character of marine biology, safe?

Agent Z3R0 (Formerly Pho)

Alllllright you (and the BioLab series ladies) have convinced me to become a subscriber. Haha looking forward to this. I love the lore!


Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay. More stuff is coming. I have some ideas for new stories and the lore is going to get an upgrade. Soon.