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hey so the zoom on the camera got stuck and zoomed all the way in to the point where it just recorded a sliver of the wall behind us. 

So this week's paytch is audio only. 

Praise Jah!



I body surf as well Matt, don’t like the feel of the wetsuit. And my mom broke her nose once.. soccer.


You guys gonna fire Lemaire again?


No worries kang


Blame lammorpg


Does the audio get thrown up on YouTube at all?


Elite production value


Team audio only because we listen at work represent


YES DUDE. Literally two seconds before my pump. Love it. God bless


Actually thst wouldn't really make much sense would it lol


Honestly you should post the video anyway and delete this post. It would be way funnier.

J M Cote

Haha I'm watching the regular ep now and I can see the auto focus fucking around


Hell yeah man


Maybe send gardini to intern for keeves. Rule 1: make sure the subjects are in frame Rule 2: mics need to be near the face, but they don't need to replace a face 🤣🤌


How great is our god?


the 'just deal with it' attitude gets old


it pleases me so much to see my Grubstakers world collide with my Suck Our Dicks To All our Enemies world


Fuck yeah

Derek Young

What do these philly pod producers even do? Seems they fuck up more often than not.


God is good

Booker T

You dick suggin muthafookas


I see you Young Bull so pro military to hide your shame you left West Point

Bryn Westover

Matt I remember slime soccer! That and the helicopter game were great ways to waste time in middle school computer class. And trying to get your buddies to look up tubgirl or lemon party lmao


So this is the free shit and the paytch is on YouTube?


Shaners please do some shows in the west coast. The California dawgs need some decent comics again

Hollow Logs

f tony fauci.. but tony faucis son? fuggit about it!!


Matt’s dad is a narc


VAERS is not open source. It is reports that are made BY doctors for very specific reasons. A study done by Harvard in 2018 revealed that VAERS averages about 10% of actual deaths. This means the 16k vaccine deaths in the US could be as high as 160k. Now thats big news.


Mike is awfully quiet during all this anti-communism talk.


Mad respect to the guests dad, the male form of healthcare is not going to the doctor until you’re in the ER or morgue, that’s my culture and I’m sticking to it, I should be on tons of prescriptions right now lol, I just can’t bring myself to go to the doctor.


What a load of shite you're talking.

Booker T

Guard dog is a fuckin idiot


Yo find a producer for this show, that's professional, stop hiring friends, if you cant even cut 2 clips from the show to get more people watching, you should not be doing this job. Shit or be smart like louis and get interns to do everything for free lol


Did you like rent a Sybian for onlyfans Dad lol


Truth like this needs to be known by more dawgs. Check out Mike Adams everyone!


Pay my flight from Sweden and I will come over and do your production for free! Great episode btw!


Recine is painfully unfunny


I'd like an answer on this one too, never considered it. Was that a tax write off? Did tax payers pay for a Sybian? And how many Sybians do you think the taxpayers have purchased over the years? So many questions


I've watched his stand up, and it's pretty good. Made me laugh anyway.


McCarthy is a G.


Dawg, I think their lack of production quality is more than made up with their actual content. Not everything has to play the same game to be at the same level. Go to TFATK if you want some fantastic production quality.


Print out a vax card

Joe the Banker

Recine is hilarious and the authority on all things 🇮🇹


The only thing less funny than Recine on this episode is his nasal wife Deb trying to do podcasts


McCarthy is surprisingly funny considering he's fighting the odds being from the Eastside Seattle burbs


Fun ep


Damn bros...seems like the homophobia was a little too real on this one. I've been following the cast for a while now and I'm a really big fan but as a fan who is bisexual, I'm not super stoked on the extent of the joke.


As a fan who is female, I must inform you that you are being a little bitch.


Yeah, in all seriousness McChester, if those jokes were too real, maybe this isn't the podcast for you. If you find phobia in that humor, you probably shouldn't listen, or lighten up. The fact you thought you should bring it to everyone's attention says enough.


When matts source is warmode 😂


Im gonna be a faggot and say its a little upsetting at how bad the producers are. A podcast is ridiculously easy to do properly production wise so its either pure laziness or straight up retardation that you can't film and record for 2 hours without something being wrong. Im a massive fan so its just sad. Take a liiiittle bit of pride in your pod and have the bare minimum standard pls. Gardini and evil hippie noah, step it up bros.


This is cast was better with no video.


I get the feeling that you do not normally have to announce that you're going to be a faggot everyone you know IRL assumes


Boring cast enough vaccine talk

Powerful Primate26

Wait WTF??? Did you dumbasses really just say let's slide into the paytch at the end of this cast? LMAO this is the paytch fellas.


Yo boys bring back the old test prank calls


Maaaaan I wish we had the video to see Mike and Sean react to Matt's antivax rant lmao


Im from NEPA. I originally heard of Shane through his SNL story and stupidly believed the mainstreet media story that he was a bad hombre. Then I heard him speak, and god damn. He’s a king.


Shane should leave Matt and start a podcast with Sam Talent. Also, leave the production team- Noah and the Italian w/ Autism suck at not fucking up everything. Seriously, unfuck urselves, boys.


What are they going to name their podcast? Fat fucks talking about yesteryear? Sam Tallent is an alt nerd who thinks he is funnier than he is. Matt is the core of this cast anyway, Shane knows there is no one better to play off. All sam wants to talk about is highschool football.. like... it was gay then and its gay now.


I got one of those burger king crowns delivered recently. Swear i heard Jumanji drums as the dude brought it in. It cost 40 bucks shipping and 4 bucks for the crown.


How about Theo’s produced pretending that he has never cum??


Bring back lemorp


damn recine bombs again....and can we just not hear about covid anymore? it's stale


What the fuck Dawgz?


This cast was dope as hell! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Made an album called Mr. Cool check it Skurt Reynolds on SoundCloud includes showing off and Charlie the unicorn 🦄


Hahaha I heard that too but thought I misheard it. Was too lazy to rewind.


After watching this past weekend I’m not sure if Shane isn’t Karl Childers from sling blade


Could really use a hit of some mssp today. Just a taste will do


I realized when ever Matt says we got some big things coming they just take the next week off


Could really use a cast any time now.


Suicide pact if there's no video tomorrow?


Fuckin faggots


"W.A.S.P. culture is being taken over by Affluent White Female Liberals" ..aka AWFL


Maybe do a YouTube with no video the patreon player sucks