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Hey there all you lovely $10 Patrons! This past month has sped right on by and I need to decide on a theme for next month! That's where y'all come into play! As always, vote below for what you want in the next poll and the general theme you want me to run with for month!

While y'all are at it, send me a DM with your requests for next month's raffle! Requests don;t have to follow the following themes and I'll be drawing the winner on the 5th so send them anytime before them to get your favourite boys entered to be drawn by me!

Now, let's get a brief description of these theme options!

 [Pokeporn] Returning this month, because I'll always have a sweet spot for Pokemon, is a whole month dedicated to the hot poke-daddies out there! I've also been playing a lot more Pokemon GO! lately which is getting me riled up for some Spark and Willow fun...

 [Up and Cummers] Also returning is a month dedicated to all the young heros out there proving they're worth their salt. Sidekicks and Untested heros from Teen Titans, Young Avengers, Young Justice and the like would be the focus of this theme!

[Kemono Monthly] Is it time I take a deep dive into furry territory? You decide! Let's see a month full of some of the most influential kemonos out there from Lion-O to Tony the Tiger, and maybe some Minotaur action all up in the fun ;)

[Revenge of the Request] Or maybe you'll want to see a bunch the non-winners of past Request Raffles duke it out for public opinion? I'll break out the backlog of requests to make a list of boys, most of whom I haven't drawn before! I'll also include a few requests coming in for this upcoming raffle too!

[Disney Dudes] Disney, Pixar, and even a bit of MCU action take over both the movie industry and my Patreon! Disney has a long history of making surprisingly handsome dudes from gods like Triton to thieves like Flynn Rider. Mix in some Mr. Incredible and those Marvel men and we have a full roster of boys to choose from!

So let me know below what you want to see! This is gonna be a bit of a short poll cause it's late in the month so don't delay ;)


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