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They want us to do good, yes? Then why are the definitions of good and bad so unclear? In these circumstances, it takes hard work to become a moral person, and who likes hard work?




Ah but do we know for absolute certain that removing the device would cause a relapse of those thoughts? And if it does there must be an underlying cause which clearly some part of the device is effective in silencing. Figure out which bits do the killy-shushing and poke them back in, if possible without the full brain hijacking bits. Or just find the bit of brain doing all that shouting and if possible zap it away. But yeah, best to leave that till last.


Hardee's comment and expression in that last panel are what make this page! LOL!

Mark Ashworth

Maybe the gods not making it clear starts with a misunderstanding of the nature of the gods? https://www.patreon.com/posts/judgement-of-97400852