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Here are this month's rewards!
Print ~ LongTimeLurker YCH
Sticker Sheet ~ Beastars
Enamel Pin ~ Fallow Deer
T-Shirt ~ Pride Shirt (second month of this option)
Acrylic Charm ~ Fox Skeleton Charm (I haven't had a chance to design this one yet as my week's focus was on telegram stickers but it will be a full body fox skeleton. I hope to have it done soon.)

Please remember COPPER CLUB, the t-shirts are now worth $30 (2 points) so you need to save a point (not claim a reward one month) to get one the next month. Some people grabbed a shirt last month and will not be getting a survey this month to make up the value. They're just too expensive to both make and ship for me to go any cheaper.

Surveys will be out soon. 




Will there be a psd file for July? :)